New Friends - Part 5

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The sound of my alarm rang through my dorm room, that stupid alarm I swear it going to be the death of me. Slowly finding the strength to get out of bed, I made my way into the bathroom that was attached to my room and got ready for the day. After getting ready I quickly brushed my hair and straightened my robes picking up my bag and making my way to Herbology. As I made my way down to the common room to find Hermione waiting for me.

"Are you ready Y/n?" she asked me, I nodded in reply and we both made our way to the greenhouse. It was a fine day outside but grey. As we entered the Greenhouse we were met by the rest of the class and made our way to are places. After a couple of minutes of talking the class suddenly when silent as Professor Sprout entered the Greenhouse and greeted us all with a warm hello. The class when by fast and we just took notes. Charms when by as quick as Herbology did except we all got homework to write a paragraph about the charm we are learning. Me and Hermione both made our way to the great hall for breakfast. As we walk the brightly light corridors I turned to Hermione as said to her "I race you there. Last one there need to do the other charms homework, okay?"

"You're on" she quickly replied and we both started running for our life. There is no way I'm letting Hermione win, I'm not getting stuck with both of our homework. As we ran for our life we were only inches away from the Great hall and I was in the lead. I turned my head back to see where Hermione was and I suddenly ran straight into something solid and landed on my ass. Looking up at what I just hit, I was met by the dark eyes of Professor Snape. I felt my face swarm from the embarrassment if felt. 'Shit' I thought to myself ' how could I be so stupid not to look where I was going, He is going to have a go at me.' My thought began to run away with themselves. 

As I tried to calm myself down, a hand was extended out to me from none other than Snape. I took it with a gentle grip and he pulled me on my feet swiftly and gave me a kind, small smile.

"Be more careful L/N" His low, calm voice filled my ear making me calm down almost immediately. 

"S...sorry Professor and thank-you," I said looking at my nails in embarrassment and I hear him mumble in agreement and left leaving me just standing. After a few minutes, Hermione joined me, slightly out of breath. "Was that Snape? Did you bump into him?" she asked me with a worried look on my face. " yeah I did, I'm such a clumsy git. Snape didn't seem to mind to be honest." I said dusting myself off and we made our way to the Great hall setting with Harry and Ron. 

*Time skip

My classes weren't that good until I got to potions. Making my way down to dungeons and my class I was met by Professor Snape waiting at the door for students. I felt his eyes on me and I quickly made my way towards him and then the silent hall filled with the sound of the bell signaling that lesson has just started. I quickened up my pace as I notice a hard glare for my Professor. Making to the door, I began to make my way in until an arm stopped me from passing. I slowly followed the arm to its owner with my eyes and my eyes landed on Snape who wear a slight grin on his lips and his eyes were filled with a slight look of slyness.
"Late I see Miss L/N, detention with me for being late and 10 points from Gryffindor. Now go and sit down. If. I. Hear a peek out of you, you will have detention for the week." With that, he moved his arm away from the door frame and gently pushed me through it as he followed. 

I made my way to my desk and noticed Draco was no longer sat there, but a new boy who I have never seen before. Sitting down I got my book and notebook out with my quill and ink, placing my bag on the floor. The room fell with silence and was filled by the calm low tone of Snape's voice and he when though what we are going to do today. "Today we will make Amortentia it's a love potion, very strong and dangerous. There is no room for mistakes making this. Follow the instructions and make sure you all have the right ingredients if you need help you can refer to the book if that does not help I will be up here." The room burst into people getting their ingredients and beginning to make their potions. The boy sat next to y was slightly taller than me, he had brown hair and hazel eyes. He was also quite chubby but not too much. As I was looking at him he turned to me and extended a hand out to me and introduced his self "hello my name is Séan. Séan Campbell." I took his hand and shook it. He was wearing a Ravenclaw uniform and I introduced myself

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