The Castle - Part 2

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Sitting staring out of the window stuck in through, the train came to a sudden stop throwing me slightly forward making my heart race. 'We couldn't be there yet my mother told me that it takes around 9 hours and it only been 7 hours so far.' I thought to my self and I took a short breath in and out to see that I could see my breath. Feeling the room get more colder I took a look at the window to see that it has all frosted over. My heart began to rapidly increase as I waked over to the compartment door to take a look at what was happening. Sliding it open I looked to my right to see other students to do the same. A loud gasp came from all the faces that I was looking at. Confused I raised my eyebrow and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out and everyone I was looking at pointed there fingers and began to scream and some of them ran back in there compartment and closed the sliding doors behind them, I looked to my left. Coming face to face with an ugly scary black clocked face with a wide mouth it was floating and stretching an arm out towards me, I let out a loud scream and stumbled my way in to the compartment falling back on the chair in shock. Looking at the door with a terrified feeling, I saw the compartment door opening by itself and the clocked slender figure was slowly floating its way in and towards me. Now hovering over me I felt like my soul was leaving my body, suddenly bright blue white light in a shape of a doe entered the room charging over to the clocked figure and pushed it away from me and the doe began to stand over me in a way of protecting me and sending the cloaked figure away and retreating from the train. The Doe shaped charm faded away and my head began to spin out of control and my vision grow blurry as a tall slightly skinny figure appeared at the doorway again. My heart began to start beating faster again and I tryed to stand up, with that I saw the figure swiftly moved over to me catching me from hitting the floor as I became light headed looking up to the now close figure I realised that it was not one of them creature but a person.

"T... T... Thank-you... I'm so g....g..." I tried to say and my vision fall to darkness.

*Time skip*

Slowly moving my head, I open my eyes being met by the warm green eyes just like mine.

"you're awake." The strangers voice filled my ears as I slowly begin to sit up with a little bit of a struggle. Feeling a large hand on my arm and back beginning to help me up the stranger said "careful now Miss." so much care filled his voice and I settled myself. He let go of me and then place his hand in his pocket looking for something and then pulled out a left over bar of chocolate that has been wrapped back up and he slowly unfolded it snapping a bit off and handed it to me and said,

"Eat this it chocolate and my name is Remus Lupin, but you can call me Professor or Professor Lupin. How are you feeling?"

" I'm okay, Thank you for saving me." I said taking a bit out of the chocolate and looking to the Professor and smiled. He was returning the smile but then opened his mouth to begin to answer then closed it taking some more time to think about what to say.

"You are very welcome Miss, But I was not the one who saved you from that Dementor." He said. I was so confused and had so many questions.

" So if it wasn't you then who was it? and what is a Dementor? and why was it on the train? and... and..." My heart started up again beating rapidly and my breath increased once again.

"Breath Miss, I will answer all your questions. That creature that attacked you is call a Dementor, horrible creatures they are guards, It's on the train looking for a prisoner and I really don't know who saved you Miss. But if you don't mind may I ask your name and what animal was it that protected you?

"Oh... Yeah sorry. My name is (Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N) and the animal was a...A Doe I think." I said with a happy smile on my face, I looked at his face and It looked as if he was remembering something giving me a reassuring smile.

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