Sorrow and hurt- Part 4

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I entered the room I was hit by a cold gust of wind send a shiver up my spin. I keep my head down avoiding Professor Snape glared.

"Sit." He spoke making me look up at his to see he has not looked at me and he carries on with what he was doing. I took my normal seat placing my books down on the wooden desk and sitting in my normal seat that I sat in for class. I sat in silence waiting for further instructions from him. After five minutes passed I was still sat there doing nothing. I hate sitting in silence and not doing anything it felt like a wait of time. I sat up straight, correcting my posture and clearing my throat to speak, looking at the brooding professor. I was about to say something to him but he looked up at me surprising me with this I got stuck looking into his hurt black eyes and began to wonder what this man must have gone through to have that look in his eyes. I've seen hurt like that before. It a familiar look that I see often in my own eyes, the deep hurt that filled them and my horrible memories came flooding back to me drowning me in the deepest sorrow. Tears began clouding my vision, taking a deep breath holding them back.

"Are you okay Miss L/n?" Snape's voice pulled my attention back to reality and I looked up at him. His voice was now calm and soothing making me in some way feel safe.

"I..I'm okay Professor, Thank you," I said stuttering a little at the beginning trying to get out the sentence.

"Well then Miss L/n. I was wanting to ask you, Do you think about potions the way you said earlier in the lesson?" He asked me raising his eyebrow at me like he has been thinking about it since I have said it.

"Of course I do Professor, I think it is a beautiful thing," I answered him in a happier tone than before. With my answer, he got up out of his seat and made his way to my desk standing in front of it and towering over me making me feel intimidated. He bent down slightly and placed his hand on my desk getting closer to me from across the table.

"And what about, what you said about me Miss L/n?" He said lowing his voice deeper and more intimidating.

"Y..Yes, of course, Professor Snape, I do think highly of you and think that you are a wonderful and talented Professor." I said I could feel my cheeks getting warmer from what I just let escape my mouth. I looked into his eyes making eye contact and saw they were now filled with warmth, a pleasant smile appeared on his lip. I smiled back he realized that he was smiling and quickly wiped it off and stood back up and straighten his posture.

"Well Miss L/n, thank you for telling the truth. For the rest of your detention just do any work you have, but I would recommend you looking at the potion we are doing in lesson," he said and made his way back to his desk, sitting back down and carrying on with his marking. I looked in my bag for my advance potion making book but I couldn't find it 'shit' I began to shake. I need to tell Snape that I don't have my book. 'This is going to be fun' I thought to myself. I got up and pulled my chair under my table that I was sat at and made my way to the front of the class to where the professor was at. He did not look up at me when to me 

"yes." He asked me not taking his eyes of what he was doing,

"S...sorry sir. I have lost my Potions book." I said looking at the floor, worrying about what his reaction would be but He just simply let out a sigh and made eye contact with me, and just said "Get on from that cupboard over there." he pointed at the cupboard and I made my way to the dark oak cupboard opening it and I found only one book left. It was a tacky looking advance potions book, I picked up the book and made my to my original seat and opened the book to the front page as say a name of the previous owner and it read 'Property of The Half-Blood Prince.' I stayed on that page for a few more seconds and then turned to the right page number and continued to do my work. Just before the end of the detention I made sure that I finished my work I got up and handing it to Snape. "Thank you Miss Y/N, you can now leave. With this I made my way back to my desk placing everything back into my bag including my new advance potion book and made my way to the classroom door but before I left, I turned back to the task where Professor Snape was sat and waved goodbye to him and I left making my way through the dark and damp dungeons. But I didn't get far when I heard footsteps following me closely. With the sound getting closer and I started to walk quicker. Suddenly I was pinned up against the wall quicker than I could blink. I was met by a similar face of 3 Slytherin and the one who was holding me was mine other than Draco Malfoy. "What are you doing down here L/N?" His grip got tighter as he asked this "I had detention Malfoy. I would appreciate it if you would let go of me now!" I said making strong eye contact with him.
"How dare you speak to me like that you mudblood." His voice was filled with poison as he said this to me lifting me off the floor ever so slightly as his grip got tighter on my robes, as he did this is goons started to laugh at me. I gave a look of anger to crab and the other whatever his name is.
"LET GO OF ME NOW MALFOY!" I shouted getting angry by the second at this blamed hair boy, "What have I ever done to you Draco?" I asked my tone now filled with sadness more than anger. I have never done anything wrong to him and I only met him today what could I have done that upset him so much?
"I don't like mudblood especially ones who hang out with the Weasleys and Potter also Granger." He said to me not letting his grip loose.
"Just leave me alone please?" I said tears now flooding my eyes and escaping down my cheeks.
"Aww, look L/N is crying. What a cry baby." Malfoy said with more hate in his voice making his goons once again laugh at me.
"Mr Malfoy, you hear Miss L/N. Let her be this instant. You would not be ganging up on another student again would you Mr Malfoy?" Interrupted a familiar voice. Dracos let go of my robes the instant he hear this deep familiar voice. His face was now turning slightly red from embarrassment and he turned to face where the voice had come from. As he did this I was able to see for myself who it was... it was Professor Snape.
"Oh, Severus I was just helping F/N to her common room. She had told me that she had lost her way and forgot where it was as she is new here." He lied. What did he just call Snape was that his first name, 'What a load of sh...' I was cut off from my thoughts as Professor Snape was now stood in front of me as asked me "is that true Miss L/N, do you need help to your common room?" I start to worry a bit. If I tell the truth it will get Draco into trouble and he will carry on bullying me and mostly it will be 100 times worse than it is now.
"Yes sir, It's true. I'm sorry I just lost my way and I need some help and Mr Malfoy here offered to help me." As I told him this, he had a slight look of disbelief in his eye but seem to push it aside and trust me.
"Very well, Miss L/N I will assist you back to your common room." He said then turned to Draco and his goons and continued saying, " Thankyou Draco for helping Miss L/N but I will take it for here. I insist you three make you say to you common room" he said to them rather coldly and turned back to me, being to lead me back to my common room. The way there was filled with silence, we did not speak a word to each other, which I didn't like at all I hate staying in silence but thought it would be best to say that way as I am still really scared of this tall, dark, grumpy man. After some walking we made it to my common room as we were stood in front of the painting of the fat lady. He turned to face me. His eyes were now filled with a questionable look,
"Miss l/N, I wish you a good night and I will see you in the morning." His voice was very calm and soft not like normal where it was filled with annoyance.
"Goodnight Professor, and thank you for helping me," I said smiling and with that he gave a very slight grin, turning on his heels and walking away from his cape billowing behind his a he swiftly left me standing there alone. I made may way to my room and changed into my PJ's and falling into my soft bed, getting comfortable in the covers feeling like they were hugging me and keeping me safe. As my eyes became heavy I thought to myself ' What an eventful day, I hope tomorrow will be better' as this thought left me. My vision became covered with darkness as I fell into a deep sleep.

Part 4 is finally finished. Sorry It took so long but now it's here I hope all of you like it and thank you so much for the support you are all showing me.
We are so close to 50 read. I can't believe it. Thank you so so much and I hope you like this chapter. Please tell me any improvements and any feedback would be amazing as I'm always trying to improve.
I will try get the next part out as soon as I can. I will see you all in the next part byeeee... ❤

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