My first day of lessons- Part 3

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Time Table:

1st- Herbology (8:00 a.m) 

2nd- Charms (9:10 a.m)

Breakfast (9:50 a.m)

3rd-  Transfiguration (10:40 a.m)

4th- Potions (11:50 a.m) 

Lunch (12:30 p.m)

5th- Defence Against the Dark Arts (2:25 p.m)

6th- Flying class(3:00 p.m)

3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m Free time. Dinner starts at 6:30

7:30 to 8:00 Free time and after 8:30 is curfew should be back in dorm room.


Start of chapter

The sound of someone pounding on my door shook me out of my deep sleep. "One second" I called out as I throw the covers of me and jumped into action, pulling my Pj's off and getting into my school clothing. I was wearing a white shirt with a tie of my house colours on it and my house crest on the bottom with some black trousers (I really didn't like skirts that much). I rushed to the door pulling down the handle and opening revealing Hermione Granger all dressed and ready for the day with her books tucked under her arm.

"Come on Y/N, Its nearly time for lesson. Are you ready?" She asked me looking at me in confusion. With this look I turned back to my room and rushed getting my books together for the day and grabbing my schedule from my desk, grabbing my black robe I joined Hermione outside my door and turned around locking it and place the key in my robe pocket which I now had on. We made are way down the stairs and out of the common room.

"What is your first lesson Y/N?" Hermione asked me giving an excited look as if she wanted to be in my class. I felt like me and Hermione are become good friends and we both seem to enjoy each others company.

"My First lesson is Herbology, What yours?" I replied hoping she would be in my class.

"Yesss, That is my first lesson too." she said back to me showing how excited and happy she was that we where sharing are first lesson together. We made our way to are class and I found myself in a greenhouse with the rest of my class we made are way to our place standing around a table which held some plants I have never seen in my life. As the rest of the class found there spots in the classroom it was filled with chatting from the rest of the class. Me and Hermione stayed quite as we waited for the teacher who now entered the greenhouse with us and introduced herself us, 

" As most of you know already, I am Professor Sprout for our new student." she said giving me a polite smile and carried on saying the rules and expectations explaining what we will cover this year. The rest of the lesson was just her explaining and asking us to start reading a Herbology book that we all have. After her lesson me and Hermione both had Charms together, with Professor Flitwick and the Lesson was the same as the Herbology lesson, just introduction and what we will be learning this year. The bell rang, freeing us from our lesson. Hermione grabbed my robes and pulled me out of the classroom.

"I'm Starving, I'm so glad it Breakfast." She said, we headed to the Great Hall. I was starving and me and Hermione made our way to the Gryffindor table, I grabbed some toast and a drink of water. I began to quickly eat it. As I was halfway though my toast I looked up from the table noticing two people joining me and Hermione. One had red hair and freckles covering most of his pale face and the other one is wearing a pair of round glasses which covered his green eyes and black messy hair which he seem to try to tame but failed, He also had a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lighting bolt.

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