The truth, And the pain -Part 9

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There I was sat in Dumbledore's office by myself, staring at the beautiful red phoenix that was perched on its stand sound asleep. He looks so peaceful and relaxed but I was completely different, my mind was not a peace and my face was tear-stained and I was left alone the only sound that I could hear is the muffled voice of the two people  that now knows my position. What felt like forever the sound of the door handle turning and the heavy wooden door being pushed opened filled my ears followed by the sound of two pairs of feet entering the room. As I listened more carefully to the sound that was right behind me I could only hear one pair of footsteps now making their way to the front of me and just as I averted my gaze I now saw that dumbledours empty seat was now occupied by no other than the brilliant wizard him-self. But all i wondered was where my Potion Master was now.

As I tugged at my left sleeve I looked around to see where he was, I saw him standing there leaning on the back wall of the office watching everything unfold like a good plot to a book. But this is real, this is my life, giving the dark potion master and small smile I turned back towards the old wizard, my eyes where met by blue eyes filled to the brim with what it seems as sadness.

"Miss L/n, I am sorry for everything that you have been through. I have spoken to Professor Snape and he has told me all the story." The old wizard told me with sad eyes and followed with a sad smile.

"Thankyou Professor, what's going to happen next ?" I asked him, the palms of my hands started sweating and I started grabbing the arms of the chair tighter. My heart pounding faster what is going to happen to me? Where am I going to live? My mind was rushing with the thoughts of my future.

"You will need to remove from the household, Y/N I'm sorry to tell you that." He explained

I moved my eyes to the right and stared back at the phoenix, 'why can't I just fly away from this mess with someone that I feel protected with?'. My mind began to go through all the people that I trust, 'No one great!' Wait there is on person...

Him... Snape.
As I began to think about moving away from my only home even if it is not a happy home I still wanna be there because it's my only home and no one want to lose their comfort place even if that means living with that monster that I'm forced to call call Father.
As my mind wandered I got deeper and deeper into my thoughts until I felt a large strong hand on my right shoulder forcing me out of my state of staring. As I looked at the hand that was resting on my shoulder I slowly followed it upwards with my eyes scanning every detail until I was met with the the only person I trust in this lonely  world. Professor Snapes eyes met mine. I felt a hot heat spread across my face. Am..
Am I blushing.

"L/N where u listening?" His deep voice pulled me back to reality

"Sorry no, I was just thinking." I continued  turning back to the headmaster,
"Where will I be living from now on?"I asked him

"You will have to go to an orphanage called wools now don't worry about it I promise you, you will still be able to attend this school still. And you can stay here for holidays but in the summer's you will need to go back to wools." He explained to me. At the sound of this it's felt like my heart just jumped out of my chest and jump out the window.

"O-okay" and that was the only thing I could say back to him, i slowly stood up and made it towards the door of the office. Stopping in my tracks I turned around and gave Dumbledore one last look and the turned to Snape the only people that could at least make me feel one tiny bit happy right now. But he was no where to be seen.

'WHAT?!? I didn't even hear him leave' and with that though I left the office without a word and made my way to one place that I will feel happy (ish) and that was my bed...


Hey guys, hope you are all well I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to read my book.

WE ARE NOW ON 1.1K READERS that is insane thankyou so much all of you makes me so happy ever time I see people are enjoying what I put out.
Sorry that it's taken so long I have to write on my phone because my laptop is not working properly something wrong with the touch screen keeps stopping me for using the mouse it get confused... anyway I'll  try keep update more that I have been but I so sorry if I don't, but thankyou all again for sticking with me and reading and  see ya all again very soon peace.
- C

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