Hogsmead (part 2) - part 11

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After my lovely conversation with Professor Snape, I started wondering around Hogsmead. This is now my second favourite place in the whole world,(Hogwarts being first of course.) There was so many place to go I just couldn't decide. After stranding there for what could only have been 2 minute, I decided to go look around the sweet shop as I have always had quite a sweet tooth.

As I entered the shop was practically spilling out with my fellow students, it was uncomfortably warm in here. Squeezing my way through I made to one of the many shelves filled of yummy look sweets. I couldn't wait to stuff my face full as I have never tried these the wizarding worlds sweet before. My eyes rapidly moving alone the many jars I just couldn't pick.
" you look a little overwhelmed sweetheart, can I help you at all?" A voice of a older woman fill my ears make me up a little.

"Yes please, I'm not sure what to buy. I've never had any of these type of sweets before? Do u know what I can get for only this much?" I pulled out my coins that I had left.

"Oh dear, you should get the chocolate frog their I card you can collect or Bertie bots every flavour beans."

"Could I get the chocolate frogs please"
After handing her my money and getting my chocolate frog I wondered around Hogmead a bit longer.

As the weather get more colder I decided that I would retreat back indoors. Making my way over to the three broom sticks.

As I opened the door i was engrossed in warmth.
"What can I get you love?" The bar lady asked me.

"Umm... what is the popular drink that the students get around here?" I asked, looking down a picking my nails.

"Get her a butter beer." A deep voice said behind me.
Dread filled my body. 'Oh no not here please'
I didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Professor Snape.
" how much is a butter beer?" I asked
" Two Sickles dear" the bar lady answered me.

I started digging in my pockets and pulled out my change. Shit this is embarrassing I don't  have enough.
" umm... I-Im sorry I don't have enough." I said returning my money back in to my pocket. Looking to me right Snape was stood right behind me. 'Why is my life think this' I thought I always get in these situations.

" I'll get it." The deep voice that belonged to the dark brooding man behind me.

He payed for my drink what's happening is he feeling alright. Maybe he want to know more about HIM.

' DON'T think about HIM now, just think about happy things.'
Squeezing my eyes shut trying to fill my thoughts with happy ones. All my energy was on doing thing that I left my walls down. I started to feel a pressure in my head.
'Is he reading mu thought again?!"

Suddenly I felt a strong hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my head. Opening my eyes I follow led the hand to the arm to who owned it. Once again he is here to pull me back and comfort me.

"Thankyou, sir" saying this everyone around us would think I'm thanking him for the drink which I am but he and myself know that I'm also thanking him for being here for me even though he doesn't do think for anyone... Maybe we are more alike than I first thought.

At this thought my cheeks when as red a weasley hair.
'What is happening to me?' Its must he him.

I took my drink and sat in on of the empty booths. The butterbeer warmed me up it was so amazing , I can tell I'm going to be addicted to this.

Hearing the fire in the distance and the commen chatter that filled the pub. I looked around at all the faces, who where laughing, smiling and having an enjoyable time. I felt so much calmer and safe once more.

Scooping the pub still I notice Snape or should I say Severus was sat at the bar drinking something that looks like whiskey.

'He so handsome' OMG. STOP. Y/N.

I'm safe here nothing is going to happen Severus is here. You are okay.

Taking my eyes off Severus, I looked over the pub again and my eyes landed on the main entrance. I wonder WHO is coming in, ' I'm so nosey hehe.'

The wooden door pushed open... NO it can't be. How did this happen... Not HIM


Thankyou so much my lovely readers. I never ever expected things many people to read my shitty story. I'm sorry that I dont upload a lot I have lots to do for my family as my mum is disabled.

Comment and follow me please (only if you  want hehe). Hope you all have being safe love you all

Love and support

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