Homecoming Dates

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After the game me and my crew headed to McDonalds. It was Lily's obsession.

Lily was the swimmer of the group and was almost the same height as John, her boyfriend. She was crazy and strange but I loved her. She had these light brown eyes and close to dirty blonde long hair. She was tall and skinny and had really long arms so she constantly ate my food from faraway.

I was expecting only the five of us but Lily brought John and Matt. So while we were all yelling at each other in the car they were throwing us weird glances.

John was a baseball player. He was Lily's boyfriend and they were perfect together. He was at least 6 feet maybe taller. He had the prettiest eyes that varied between green and light brown. John had a Hollywood movie star kind of smile that swooned almost every girl except me. I don't know why, it just doesn't work.

Matt played water polo. He has been my boyfriend for at least a year now. He was tall, had dark tan skin, and messy long hair that fell in eyes constantly. He did have a six pack an muscles that were hard not to stare at.

"Ugh there are no good stations I swear." Carlo sounded frustrated as he flipped threw the stations.

Carlo was quiet but when he was with friends he got weird. He was tall and had that smile that could melt any girl. He had dark brown shaggy hair that fell into his eyes.

"Here. Take my phone and plug it in. Pick the playlist with the flower next to it." Lily chucked her phone at Carlo. He sucked at catching and it hit his face. We all started dying of laughter.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to keep us all a live." Westin yelled over his shoulder swerving into the left lane. Man did I hate his driving.

Westin was the mature one. He was average height and was kind of chubby and had short sandy blonde hair with grayish blue eyes. He always kept us girls out of trouble when he could. But when he wasn't there we went crazy.

"Are you serious Lily. I hate all these songs!" Carlo glared at Lily while scrolling through the playlist.

"Just play the damn playlist. I can't handle your yelling." said Westin.

"Ugh fine." Not even a second after he said that I Would by One Direction started playing. I screamed. I love this song! I started bursting out the song as loud as I could. Westin rolled down the windows and Lily and Evelyn started singing along.

Evelyn was very strange. She was book smart but in real life she had struggles. Evelyn had long straight dark brown hair that went down past her waist. She had the exact definition of an hourglass figure. She constantly had boys gawking at her, but she was too into celebrities to notice.

Matt was sitting beside me as I sang and he started tapping his foot along to the beat. I don't know how may times the guys had heard us play this song but they seemed to know it 'cause Westin was singing along with us and soon so was Matt

Matt leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled closer to him breathing him in. He smelled like laundry and chlorine. I loved it!


"Are serious he transferred to your school?!" Evelyn was yelling and nearly threw all the chicken nuggets on the floor.

We were at McDonalds and thankfully weren't killed by Westin's driving. We had ordered about 40 nuggets and I had eaten half of them. But Matt still had some left.

We were in the back in the biggest booth. On the opposite side to me was Carlo(closest to the wall), John, Lily, and then Evelyn. On my side was Westin, Matt then me.

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