Break Ups

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The week finally ended. I hadn't seen Alex all week. They called his name in all my classes, but he wasn't there. I had wondered if he switched schools after seeing me.

I was riding home when I got a text from Lily. She had been invited to a party tonight. She said that me and Evelyn should come with her. My mom was out with her friends for the rest of the weekend, so I knew I would be home alone.

I texted her back saying that I would go. She replied and said she would come over at 8 with Evelyn to help me with my makeup.

When I got home I straightened my hair, which took forever. When I was done I put on my favorite party dress. It was a black and strapless dress. The dress stopped about mid thigh. I put added a pair of black pumps that I knew I would eventually take off.

Evelyn and Lily got there about a quarter to 8. Evelyn was wearing a tight navy blue dress that showed off her curves and stopped an inch above her knees. Her hair was curled and her eye makeup made her eyes pop. For shoes she had on navy blue pumps to match her dress.

Lily had on a bright red dress. It was snug around her chest and flared out around her waist. The dress stopped right around mid thigh showing off her long legs. Her makeup made her look sexy. She was wearing red flats like a smart person.

"You guys look hot!" I said.

"So do you! All you need is your makeup and you'll be complete," said Lily. She was pulling my arm leading my to the vanity in my room.

When Lily was done, I looked like someone hit me with a makeup pie. She had put loads of foundation on me. I was wearing deep red stick and had a smokey effect eye makeup. I looked sexy and I liked it.

"Wow you look hot,"Evelyn said.

"Thanks, now let's go and party!" With that we headed out the door to Lilys car.


"I'm gonna go find John," said Lily. she headed off towards a group of guys from the baseball team. Evelyn and I headed towards the kitchen. I eventually ended up alone because Evelyn was soon pulled away to the dance floor. So I sat there eating chips and drinking soda from the fridge. I only drink alcohol when i was with friends not at parties, but since I knew my mom wasn't gonna be home I had taken a shot of Vodka.

I was sitting on the counter playing Candy Crush when I felt someone jump on the counter beside me. I turned my head and saw Alex. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt and khaki pants. His short hair was messy, it made me want to run my fingers through it.

"Hey there Munchkin,"he said.

"What are you doing here? How did you know about this party," I questioned. I barely knew anyone here.

"Some kids from my football team were invited and brought me along. How come you're here," he asked.


"Oh yeah. I remember her."

"Sure you do," I muttered.

In junior high I had a giant crush on Alex and he had one on me. Everyone knew about it. This went for about 2 years, everyone considered us a couple. Then one night all friends were at this sleep over and they kept calling him asking if he liked me. Well, he slipped up and said he liked Lily. That crushed me. I wasn't mad at Lily because it wasn't her fault and she was my best friend and I loved her, but I was mad at Alex. At first he kept trying to fix things, but eventually gave up and avoided me. It was like that for the rest of junior high and then we went our separate ways.

"Look, Mak, I'm sorry-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear your apologies anymore," I said. I turned my head so he wouldn't see the hurt in my eyes. For awhile we just say there in silence. Then finally he said, "You wanna dance."

I nodded my head and he put his hands on my waist an helped me off the counter. As he led me towards the dance floor he held my hand. The fireworks between us were flying. my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to pop out.

When we got to the dance floor he let go of my hand. I was sad, but at the same time relieved. The songs playing I had never heard before but I loved the beat. Soon the shot of Vodka started to kick in and I let loose. I was bouncing up and down and Alex was twirling me around. I was having a blast. During one song I had back pressed against Alex's chest and our hips were swaying together. He hands around my waist and was holding on as if he would never let go.

Then a slow song started playing. Laec turned me around so our chest were pressed to together. His hands were still wrapped around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck. My pumps made me a couple inches taller so I was tall enough to lean my head in his shoulder. He pulled me closer as if it were even possible.

"Hey Mak," he whispered. I tilted my head up so I could look in his eyes. he leaned forward so that our foreheads were touching. I closed my eyes and breathed in his cologne. It seemed like the whole world was on pause and it was just us.

Then he started chuckling. I pulled back and gave him a confused look. He was looking at something behind me. I turned to see what he was laughing at.

"Looks like Sam finally found a girl," he said smiling. Then I finally saw what he looking at. Evelyn was dancing with a guy! He was tall and and had dirty blonde hair that was long and fell into his eyes. That guy must be Sam! Evelyn had her head in his shoulder and he had his arms around her. They looked adorable.

"You know they remind of some people I know," said Alex grabbing back my attention.



"Uh... I got go." With that I ran away. I needed some air. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat on the floor with my back to the door.

What just happened? Did Alex just say he still had feeling for me? No, he was just messing with your head. I needed to forget about him. I needed to think about Matt, he's my boyfriend.

After a little pep talk from myself. I got up and fixed my makeup. I was about to head back to the kitchen when I stopped. There across the hallway pressed against the wall was Matt with a slutty blonde that had her tongue down his throat.

I couldn't breath. All the blood from my face was drained and I just stood there and stared. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. Just when I thought this moment couldn't get any worse, Matt opens his eyes and sees me. Oh crap! I turned back to the bathroom and locked myself in there.

Matt's banging on the door yelling for me to open the door. I sat in the bathtub with my knees pulled up to my chest. I was balling my eyes out. Matt had just asked me to homecoming, how could he do this?

It felt like hours till the banging on the door stopped. I guess Matt gave up. I sat in the bathtub till someone knocked on the door. I didn't want anyone to see my like this so I just ignored it. But then they started to fiddle with the lock, then the door opened. Standing in the door way was Alex. He had a look of concern on his face.

He slowly walked towards me. He climbed inside the bathtub with me and sat beside me with his knees pulled to his chest. He put his arm around me and pulled me to his side. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest and started to cry again. Alex kissed the top of my head and told me everything was going to be alright.

I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew Alex was caring me to my door. Lily, Evelyn, and Sam were behind him. Lily had the key to the house and opened the door and they all walked inside.

Alex gently place me on my bed. He kneeled beside the bed and was holding my hand and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. My eyes weren't completely closed, so Alex couldn't tell that I was awake.

"I'm so sorry Princess, for everything," whispered Alex.

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