Im Going to Kill You

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"Alright are you ready," I ask Sam.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Lets do this shit," he says. He gets out the car and walks towards the school. We were at Lily, Luke, and Evelyn's school. today was the day that Sam was going to ask Evelyn out.

We spent all day Sunday going through what to do. It took me a while to convince him to wear a tuxedo, but he finally caved. Alex and I got out of the car and followed Sam inside. Alex took my hand and intertwined out fingers as we walked.

We finally reached Evelyn's locker and Luke and Lily were already standing there waiting. Sam stood a couple feet away hiding. Early Lily and Luke had decorated her locker with flowers and hearts and taped red balloons to it. In the center of one of the hearts it said, "Will you be mine?"

"Here she comes," whispers Lily. Evelyn was coming down the hall.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here," asks Evelyn looking at me and Alex.

"Just came because we wanted to hang out," I answer. She turns towards her locker and sees the decoration. And right on que Sam walks up in his tuxedo and his bouquet of flowers. He stands behind Evelyn and taps on her shoulder. She turns around and is shocked.

"So will you be mine," asks Sam. He offers her the flowers and she just stands there.

"Uh...ummm...I-I uh...." she stutters. Her mouth is wide open and she's staring at Sam like she's seen a ghost. She still can't seem to say anything so she nods her head. The worried expression on Sam's face disappears and is replaced with a giant smile. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her. She stands there for a while, then finally hugs him back.

Lily screams, "I want Chick-fil-a!" We all look at her.

"What? Im hungry!"

"Alright, lets go," I say. I push Sam and Evelyn out of the school. Lily took Evelyn in her car and Luke rode in his. Sam, Alex, and I got into Alex's truck.
The whole ride to Chick-fil-a Sam wouldn't stop smiling.


"What the heck are you doing," asks Alex.

"Nothing," I answer. I put the Polynesian sauce down.

"Your girlfriend has a problem with drinking sauce packets," says Evelyn. I send her a glare, but she just smiles back.

"You drink the sauce packets," asks Alex.

"Uh yeah," I answer softly. I slump down in the corner of the booth and lower my head.

"Your weird. I like weird," says Alex. I lift my head and find Alex smirking at me. I can't help but smile. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I reach across the table and grab Lily's sweet tea. I take a long sip and give her a satisfied smirk. She watches me drink the tea and stares at me. Then she does what she calls her 'disapproving double chin.' I give her my best double chin.

Then Luke yells out, "Double chin contest!"

Next thing you know Lily, Luke, Sam, Evelyn and I are all doing double chins while Alex just laughs at us. To people walking by we look like a bunch a mentally unstable people.

"Sam wins," yells Alex. He's laughing so hard. Did I mention he looks adorable when he laughs because he does.

"Aw man, I thought mine was the best," said Luke.

"No, Lily's was pro," I said.

"Too bad I'm the champion," yells Sam. He raises his arms in victory. He gets up from the booth and walks out the restaurant. Soon we all followed behind him.


"I swear if I have to hear another boy band song Im gonna flip," said Luke. We had all gone to Evelyn's house and hung out there for a while. Then we decided we wanted tapioca, so we got into Luke's car and started towards Tapioca Express. Luke was driving and Lily was sitting shotgun. Evelyn, Alex, and I sat in the middle row and Sam sat in the back. Evelyn had wanted to sit next to Sam but I pushed him in the back.

"Alright we're here," said Luke. He pulled up outside.

"Can you guys just go in and get our drinks for us. We'll wait for you," said Alex. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got put of the car with Lily and Evelyn.

"Wait, what do you guys want," I asked.

"Just get us all milk teas," yelled Luke.

"Alright," said Lily. We headed into the store and ordered our drinks. The place wasn't to crowded, so we got our drinks pretty quick.

When we walked out the car wasn't there anymore. I started to look around the parking lot to find Luke's SUV. When I could find it I pulled out my phone and called Alex.

"Where are you," I ask.

"On the freeway," said Alex. he didn't seem phased.

"Alexander Benjamin Fernandez, you get your butt back here now!"

"No can do Princess," he answered. I could tell he was smirking.

"Alex, you come back and get us now!"

"I'm sorry what was that? I can't hear you, the signal is bad. Gotta go." Then he hung up. I tried to call him back, but he didn't answer. So I texted him.

Me: Alex, I'm going to kill you!

I told Lily and Evelyn what happened. Evelyn tried to call Sam but it went straight to voice mail. We kept trying to contact the guys but they wouldn't answer. So Lily called Westin.

"Hey Westin can you come and get us...we're at Tapioca Express...we can't...we don't have cars...they left us here....WESTIN STOP LAUGHING IT ISN'T FUNNY...yes we will buy you a drink...alright see you in a few." Then Lily hung up. While we waited for Westin we drank our boba and the guy's. We set one of the extra ones aside for Westin.

After a couple minutes Westin's truck pulled up. We got in the car and handed Westin his drink. Every once in a while, Westin would start to chuckle and Lily would slap him.

Westin dropped us off at Evelyn's house. When we got there we noticed Alex's car wasn't there. They boys must've came back and picked it up.

We headed up stairs to Evelyn's room. For a while we sat in silence and stared at our phones. Hopefully the guys would contact us at some point.

"We need revenge," I said. We had been sitting there for at least an hour.

"Yes, but how," asked Evelyn.

"Oh I know. This is going to be fun," I said.



Sorry for the short chapter

Alex's full name though *wink wink*

Thank you for reading it this far

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