I May or May Not Be Drunk

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When we got to the party, you could hear the music from outside. Alex held my hand while we walked through the crowded house. The house huge, it was the size of Texas.

Alex led me into the kitchen. I hopped up onto the counter. I got out my phone and texted Lily and told her where I was. I knew that Evelyn would probably be with Sam, so Lily and Luke would be alone for a while.

Alex walked over to a cabinet and got out a bottle of Vodka. He took a sip then handed it to me. I gave I'm a confused look and pushed the bottle away.

"C'mon Mak. Live a little," Alex said.

"I can't. Who else is supposed to drive you home."

"I promise not to drink to night," he said. He offered me the bottle again and I took it. I took a large gulp. It burned my throat, but I took another swig. I may or may not be drunk at this point.



"C'mon Alex lets dance." Makayla grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. She starts to jump around like a maniac to the beat. I just stood there and stared at her.

She looked adorable in my oversized jersey. I know it sounds cheesy, but she really does look adorable. I can see my ring catch the light when she jumps. I'm really glad that she's finally mine.

She stops dancing and looks at me. Then she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I lean down and press my forehead against hers.

"I have to tell you a secret," she says softy. She takes my hand and drags me upstairs. She takes me out to a balcony that overlooks the giant backyard.

"Alright, what's the secret," I ask. She steps closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck. She stands on her toes so she can whisper in my ear.

"I like your face," she whispers.

"I like your's too. So what's the secret," I ask.

"I think I'm in love with Alex, but I'm not sure," she whispers. She leans back and looks at me with a smile. I smile back at her. I wanna tell her I feel the same way, but I don't think she'll remember.

She gives me a smirk then darts down the hallway. I watch her run down the hall for a couple seconds before going after her. I catch up to her in a couple of seconds and scoop her up in my arms. She's laughing and squirming in my arms, which makes me smile.

She stares at me for a couple of seconds, then reaches up and runs her hand through my hair. I just stare down at her and smile.

"Your hair's so soft," she says softly. I take her hand from my hair and kiss it. Her hand lingers by my mouth and her fingers trace over my lips.

"What are you thinking about, Princess," I ask.

"Kissing you," she says softly,

"I think you should wait till your sober," I say. I walk down the stairs towards the front door with her in my arms. I parked about a block away from the house because there wasn't any close parking.

"Sing to me, Alex," she said sleepily. She was was slowly falling a sleep in my arms. She grabbed a handful of my shirt and snuggled into my chest.

"What song, Princess?"

"My favorite one," she answers.

"We may only have tonight

But 'til the morning sun, you're mine, all mine

Play the music low

And sway to the rhythm of love," I sang softly. She was staring up at me as I sang. She sang along with me.

"You have a beautiful voice," she said softly.

"So do you," I whispered. When we reached the car I carefully put her in the seat and buckled her up.

"Alex I'm cold," she said. I reached into the back seat pulled out my leather jacket. I wrapped it around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She fell asleep a couple minutes later. I didn't want to take her home in case her mom was home, so I took her to my house.

I entered the code into the security system and pulled up our long driveway. My uncle's car wasn't there but Marissa's was. She was my younger cousin, but she was more of a little sister to me. She was only about two years younger than me, but she was still my baby cousin.

I carried Makayla inside and was greeted by Tucker our German Shepherd. I shooed him away so he wouldn't wake Makayla up. I was walking past the living room when Marissa noticed me. She turned and saw Makayla in my arms and smiled.

When we were younger and I had a crush on Makayla, Marissa grew close to her. They became close friends almost sisters. Marissa was very protective of me, but Makayla found it cute. Makayla treated her like a little sister and Marissa adored her. But when things went wrong they grew apart.

I smiled at Marissa and headed up the stairs to my room. I laid Makayla in my bed and tucked her in. I kneeled beside her and brushed away the stray strands of hair away. I gave her a light kiss on the nose and turned back down towards the stairs. I walked to the living room and sat beside Marisa on the couch.

"You finally made some good decisions in life," said Marissa.

"Yup," I replied.

"I hope you plan on keeping her because I swear if you hurt her again, I'll never talk to you again," she said. She turned towards me and gave a glare. I turned towards my room and smiled.

"I don't plan on letting her go ever."

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