I Like Your Dog Not You

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"Alex, how long till dinner," I groan. After going to the grocery store we headed to Alex's house. Alex gave me some of his sweats and a black t-shirt to wear instead of my wet clothes. I took a hot shower and had changed into his clothes.

I had to force Alex to take shower He said he wasn't cold but I didn't believe him because I could see the goosebumps. After a while of nagging he finally did as he was told. When he came back down he was wearing a pair of navy blue sweats and a white shirt. As soon as he got down stairs he started dinner.

"Just a couple more minutes," he says. He was making taquitos and guacamole sauce. Which just happens to be my favorite food!

"Alright dinners ready,"yells Alex. He hands me a plate with four taquitos and a cup of guacamole sauce. On the side was some Hispanic rice.

I immediately grabbed the plate from him and ran back to the table. Marissa came in with her plate and sat beside me. Then Alex came in balancing his plate and three cans of Pepsi. He put his plate down and handed us our drinks. We all ate in silence. I, of course, was the first to finish. I got up and put my plate in the sink and threw my empty can away.

I walked over to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I flipped through the channels until I found a channel playing Criminal Minds. It was my favorite show ever! I always wanted to be a profiler when I was older.

A couple minutes later Alex came and sat next to me. He had brought me a pint of Rocky Road ice cream. I sat an ate my ice cream besides Alex. Every once in a while Alex would snag a spoon full of my ice cream. After I had finished the pint I put it down on the coffee table.

After a while, Alex became tired. He put his head on my lap and laid down. I began took play with parts of his hair that fell into his eyes. A couple minutes later Alex fell asleep.

I slowly took his head off my lap and carefully placed it on a pillow. I grabbed a blanket from the arm chair and covered him with it. I gave him a light kiss on the forehead and headed upstairs. Tucker was right behind me as I went up the stairs.

I made my way up the stairs and to Alex's room. I plopped myself onto his bed and laid down. Tucker hopped up on the bed and laid beside me. I leaned over the side of my bed and grabbed my lap top out of my backpack. I opened it and logged into Netflix.

For a couple hours I sat there and had a Switched at Birth marathon. After about the fourth episode my eyes got tired. I shut my lap top down and laid down with Tucker. Tucker's back was against my chest and I had an arm wrapped around him. I loved this dog.

I hear my phone buzz and grab it off the night stand. It was a text from my mom saying she had some teacher convention in a place two hours away and wouldn't be back till tomorrow night. I put the phone back down on the night stand and snuggled myself into the bed.

After a couple minutes of trying to fall asleep and failing, I grabbed my laptop again. I logged onto Facebook and scrolled through my feed. Then out of nowhere I get a notification.

Alex Fernandez wants to be your friend.

I look up and see Alex standing in the door way. He has his phone in his hands and is looking at me with that smirk. Gosh that smirk.

"Hmmm, I wonder if I should decline. What do you think Tucker?" I look down at the dog laying besides me. All he does is let out a loud sigh.

"I think he said yes," says Alex.

"That's debatable." Before I knew it Alex snatched the laptop off my lap.
After a couple of seconds he handed it back to me.

"How dare you accept without my permission," I scoff. I try and see him my best death glare. It failed miserably when I saw him pouting.

"I'm not the one in bed with someone else," he answered with a smirk.

"Isn't it obvious? I like your dog not you." I look up at him with a grin. Alex climbs onto the bed and sits beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

"Now, now. Telling lies isn't good you know," says Alex.

"How do you know I'm lying?"

"The way you look at me."

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