Ice Cream Fixes Everything

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that someone went through my clothes. All my drawers were open with clothes hanging out and my closest was a mess. Then I noticed the smell. It smelt like bacon and eggs. My mouth started to drool, I must be starving.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen. I realized that I was still in the dress I was wearing last night. I quickly headed back into my room and threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

When I got to the kitchen I found Alex there cooking eggs. Next to him on the counter was a plate piled high with bacon. Alex turned and saw me and gave me a smile that made my legs wobble. He took my hand and led me to the dining room where Lily and Luke were sitting. I could see the living room from here and saw Sam and Evelyn napping on the couch.

I sat down in a chair across from Lily and Luke. I was surprised to see Luke here, him and Matt were pretty close. But then again I introduced them. I was at one of Lily's swim meets and met Luke there. We clicked instantly and I introduced him to Matt.

"Hey I hope you don't mind that me and Lyn borrow some of your clclothes said Lily. She was wearing my shirt from Disneyland with some of my shorts that were to long for me.

"No it's ok, I don't mind."

"Hey Mak, come here for a second,"yelled Alex. I walked back over to the kitchen and jumped up onto the counter beside him. I was next to the pile of bacon and couldn't resist. I grabbed the plate an put on my lap and started eating the bacon.

Alex was looking for something in the fridge. When he finally found what he was looking for he turned and saw me munching on the bacon. He smirked and grabbed the plate of bacon away from me.

"Your such a pig," said Alex.

"I know, leave me alone," I mumbled. I had stuffed a strip into my mouth. "So what do you want?"

"I was gonna ask what kind of ice cream you like."

"Why ice cream? That's so cliché." Alex moved closer to me and his hands on the opposite sides of me on the counter. He leaned forward so that we were just inches away. It was suddenly getting hard to breathe.

He put his lips next to my ear and whispered, "Ice cream fixes everything."

I burst out laughing. Alex just stood there and looked at me like I had gone psycho. I thought Alex was going to say something perverted or gross. I was not expecting that.

I finally calmed down and pulled myself together. I told Alex that i wanted rocky road and him, Sam, and Luke left for the store. Lily, Evelyn, and I decided to build a fort in the living room and have a movie night. We ordered pizza so that it would arrive around the time the guys did. We had all the pillows and blankets on floor set up for when the guys came back. Early in the day Lily, Evelyn, and I had gone to the liquor store and had gotten about 5 movies from the redbox.

I was about to take Sunny for a walk when I remembered that he was at a dog hotel. My mom stopped trusting me with him after he ran out the front door while I was washing dishes. But I was kind of glad I didn't have to watch him this weekend.

It had been almost on hour since the boys had left and I started to get worried. I didn't live in the best part of town so I was nervous. What if they were mugged? What if they got in an accident? All these things were going through my mind as I sat there and waited for them to show up.

Finally the front door swung open. I was so relieved, but then I saw Luke and Alex. Luke had a black eye and a swollen lip. Alex didn't have as much damage, all he had was a scratch above his eye. I immediately ran towards the both of them. I grabbed their hands pulled them into the bathroom.

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