someone new { zac efron }

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zac efron

I've been waiting at the restaurant for almost an hour, checking my cell every two minutes

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I've been waiting at the restaurant for almost an hour, checking my cell every two minutes. If my mom saw me right now, she would tell me I brought it on myself.

"Out of all the single men out there, you picked one from the married pile."

Those were her words. And I now realize she was right all along. Married men never leave their wives. But they sure do like to fuck around and promise innocent younger girls the world. I'm not that innocent though, but I bought all of Matt's bullshit anyway. It seemed so believable two years ago when I met him at the airport hotel lobby. It was all booked up and he wasn't backing out, he wanted that room, but so did I. We actually ended up sharing it; desperate times call for desperate measures. Nothing happened; I thought he was a little too old for me; 20 years is quite a gap. So we talked most of the night, probably only got three solid hours of sleep and then we parted ways. He told me right away how he's getting a divorce and how his wife just doesn't make him happy anymore. That's why I agreed to give him my number. If I knew he was lying, I would have steered clear of him. But that wasn't the case.
I accepted; I was the other woman for almost two years, living my life on his terms. It was fine at first but then I noticed that he's never getting divorced, plus the kids would shred me and hate my fucking guts, and his; for cheating on their mom.
I wasn't sure of what I was doing anymore.

Since he bailed on me two times in one week, Matt booked us a room at the hotel in the city, telling me to meet him in their restaurant for lunch. Supposedly we would be enjoying a long weekend together. It was Friday, I was sitting there, staring at the glass of sparkling water in front of me.
I sighed and checked the phone again; nothing. If he doesn't show, it's strike three and I'm officially out.

Looking around I noticed a guy, sitting by the windows, two tables away from me. The sun was shining, making his platinum hair appear even brighter. I could tell it wasn't his natural color when he lowered his book. He had a neatly trimmed beard. A strange combination but it looked pretty good. His blue eyes were looking at me, the eyebrows above them a little narrowed. He was watching me. I sighed again, seeing I finally recieved a text from Matt.

Stella is sick, I have to stay at home. I'm so sorry baby, I promise I'll make it up to you. Enjoy the hotel ❤️ love you!

I rolled my eyes and turned the phone off.
"Oh, I'll enjoy the hotel for sure, at your expense of course, you lying asshole."
I quietly said to myself. I buried my face into my palms, then ordered vodka with ice.
Who am I kidding with this sparkling water.

A few minutes later, I was still pissed, drinking vodka and debating whether I should eat a fat steak or a greek salad. I glanced back at the blonde gentleman in a black tight turtleneck, holding his book like he's reading, but really he was looking at me the whole time. He closed the book and signaled me to come over there. I looked around, maybe he meant someone else; but no. When I pointed at myself in wonder, he grinned and nodded twice.

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