S1E8: How Did You Do It

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Clarke and Bellamy panted as they laid on the forest floor, a dead body resting less than two metres away from them.

"You're okay..." Clarke began trying her best to comfort the trembling Blake.

He didn't say anything and stared emotionlessly in front of him. There were hundreds of thoughts running through his mind and it almost physically hurt him to think about another death burdening him.

"How did you do it?" He asked looking over to Clarke, remorse clouding his eyes.

She stared at him, confused as to what he meant. How did she do what? "What?"

"How did you end someone's life and then get up and act as if it wasn't the most horrible feeling? How do you not feel?" He clarified.

Did he seriously think that she ended someone's life and not feel guilty about it? She thought everyday about what she did, how she ended Atom's life. It wasn't a hard decision because she knew it had to be done. It was either kill him and end his suffering or watch him as he slowly and painfully dies.

Clarke looked over at him then, fire burning in her eyes. "What did you just say?" She growled, her voice becoming menacingly low.

His eyes averted to her face when he heard her tone and then seemed to widen in fear. "How can you act as if Atom's death wasn't burdening you?" He replied hesitantly.

"I feel, okay, Bellamy! I think about how I ended someone's life everyday! And 'acting as if it wasn't the most horrible feeling''? What the hell? I had to do it. It was either end his pain and suffering or wait until he died. I do feel, but I also know how to hide my emotions for the better good of the people... you don't know me."

Clarke stood up and began to walk away, but not before turning around and saying one last thing to Bellamy. "What would you have done?"

Bellamy watched as she strode off, her blonde hair flipping behind her as she walked.

Shit! He didn't mean it like that. He wasn't accusing her of being a heartless cold blooded killer. He just wanted to know how she put up with having to be so strong all the time. But then again, Clarke was always better at keeping her problems cooped up and under control. She was always able to keep her calm and put everyone else's need before hers.

But everyone had a breaking point. He could see she nearly reached that tonight, when she was sitting on the cold floor next to him arguing about how Bellamy thought she didn't care.

But she had walked off. She had left before she managed to get it all off her chest. She had managed to walk away, keeping her facade and had managed to not fully break down.

He could see how much it had bothered when he said she was heartless. She wasn't, otherwise the 100 would all be dead.

When Bellamy had watched Clarke out that knife into Atoms neck, he understood. She wasn't the selfish princess he first thought she had been. She was human too, she had feelings and priorities. Her life wasn't perfect, hell, she was locked up and sent to the ground by her own mother. But even after everything she had been through, she managed to make the 100 her priority.

Before Bellamy knew what he was doing, his legs were taking him in the same direction Clarke had left in. He went a faster pace, his legs taking him through the forest, in hopes of catching up to her.

She wasn't heading in the direction of camp, Bellamy knew that. When she left, it had been in the opposite direction.

With every passing second he grew more worried about the girl. She was nowhere to be seen and Bellamy was now just wondering helplessly through the dense woods. What if she had wondered too far and something had happened to her?

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