Part Six: Agent Connecticut

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The Counselor and I walk down the halls to the training room. "Today you will be introduced to the Spartans you were told about when you first arrived. Be warned, some of them do not take newcomers lightly. They are very competitive and have been with us for years. Some will be welcoming and friendly, but others will be silent and ignorant. The Director has taken your request and approved your name." the Counselor explains to me.

"Sir... I have only one last request." I say stopping in the middle of the hall. "And what's that?" he turns around. "I wish for my imllants and gender to be unannounced sir." "As you wish," he replies, "I will keep it a secret for now and have a conversation with the Director. If he disagrees it will be announced but if he happens to agree with your decision the others won't know." "Thank you sir... Where is the Direc-r?" I say as my artificial vocal cords begin to fail. "He will not be able to accompany you with this... He has a more urgent problem in the hull. Oh, and you might not want to speak until we get that fixed." "Y-s -ir." I say as he continues to guide me to the group of Spartans.

As we enter the observation deck two Spartans, one gray with yellow and the other light brown with white, fight with the pugil sticks. As the pugil sticks clang together in what almost seems to be a pattern, the Counselor looks down at his note pad and terminates the dual. "Training simulation terminated. Agent Washington: 2. Agent New York: 2... Tie." FILSS announces as everyone gathers to see what the commotion is about.

"Okay what's going on. I almost had York and then you stopped the fight!" Agent Washington argues. "Oh yeah right! I wasn't the one who was going to fall like a ballerina." Agent New York contradicts. "I already told you I was stretching and lost my balance!" Agent Washington folds his arms.

They look short for Spartans. Their hight looks as if it's only a few inches over the average person. Unlike me. The Director says I am one of the first Spartans to be made, that's why I am young for a Spartan and am bigger. The tests at a young age makes me grow larger than it does if I was older. Of course now, because of my systematic failures in my head, I actually am starting to have memory loss.

They also look unorganized, when they walked over here they slouch and walk without a purpose. They push each other like amateurs... Or children. They act like they have no training in the military and everything is just a big joke. They don't even have respect for their commanding officers.

"They who's that?" a male, purple and green Spartan asks. "This is a new agent. You can him Berlin." the Counselor replies. "Berlin? Aren't we supposed to be named after the fifty states of America?" a female purple and green Spartan asks. "Yeah, last time I checked we still have a few more states to go." a brown EOD Spartan says aggressively. "Calm down. The Director probably chose that name for a reason." Agent Washington says.

It's silent for a couple minutes. "Well I don't see why he gets to be the special one. He's new. We've been here longer than him and we don't get different names!" the EOD suddenly shouts, "I'm tired of being stepped on like a bug! Alright Berrrlin you me right now!" She pokes my chest armor. The Counselor steps in, "The Director would not approve of this. I do not condone th-" I set my hand on his shoulder and give him a nod. Then I look down, grabbing the agent's hand and twisting it to the side. I nod.

She throws her hand back with an attitude and walks to the training room floor. I follow her into the room and walk to the opposite side. She watches me and I watch her the whole time. It's like we have an equal disliking for each other.

"Round One: Hand to Hand Combat... Round Start." FILSS announces as everyone gathers in the observation deck. The EOD runs at me and I immediately see a weakness in her form of running. I get into a defensive stance and remain still. When she gets close enough I jump up behind her and kick the back of her legs. She falls to the ground and holds her leg while getting up. "You are so going down!" she shouts.

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