Part Four: Air Assault

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A week ago I received an invitation to join some sort of special forces group. I ignored it of course. The organization seemed sketchy, flawed, and secretive. The invite didn't even come with a name, leading official, or traceable address. According to Halsey I only have weeks. Six weeks until I get to file for a new squad. But I don't know if I can go through that again. Getting close to someone just so they can die in front of me, or I in front of them. I don't think so.

I change out of my regular uniform and into a black clothing that goes underneath my armor. I look to my bed and observe the front cover of the invitation one last time. It has no return address, no organization title, not doesn't have anything regarding the branch of military it is for. All it has is a single paper that reads, "Do you fight for the people of the human race, outer colonies and all, or does your loyalty lie within the Unified Earth Government?" Where have I heard that before? I ask myself before throwing it on the desk.

Then I make my way to the armory. On my way there I pass security. When I turn into an elevator and press the button for the armory level I get a glance from one of the nurses. She looks exactly like the one who was comprehended in my room just a month and a half ago. The nurse looks right into my eyes and winks at me. I go to chase her but the glass door closes from above. She hides her face when more security passes. I stand, tensed, before the glass. The nurse simply walks away as the elevator begins to rise. The last thing I see is her walking in the direction of my private living quarters.

Halsey's men would never let her back in the facility. How did she even pull it off? And why would she want to come back? Doesn't she know the risks? What am I saying, she wouldn't be hiding her face if she didn't. I take a breath. Then again, I could just be going crazy. Seeing things that aren't really there. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

By the time the elevator doors open I have convinced myself that what I seen was no more than a simple illusion. My mind playing tricks on me. There was no blond haired nurse walking to my private quarters. It was just a nurse doing her own day to day activities. Nothing, absolutely nothing, more than that.

A few turns down the hall and opening of some doors leaves me at the main armory deck. There, a new armor awaits. I wonder what it is. CQB maybe? Or how about an improved MJOLNIR Mark V [B]...? What if she assigned me Mark V armor... Like his? God I hope she didn't. As I near the place where my armor is stationed I spot a group of scientists. They wait for my arrival.

One of them requests that I stand on a circular platform. I do as he wants me to and stand in the middle of them. They have me hold my arms out to my sides and spread my legs shoulder width apart. Just like old times. I think, remembering the first time I wore Spartan II armor. As they connect my new armor my arms and legs get heavy. It feels odd on my new implants, but for my real body parts it feels normal.

I roll my shoulders and lift my knees when they finish putting the pieces together. The new armor is lighter. More durable too. The same man who had me stand on the platform hands me my new helmet. I gently take it from his hands. I am at awe of its design, but I do not show it. Instead I give the man a respectful nod and carefully it on.

"We should probably test your shields and sync your Heads Up Display." another scientist notes. "Where to sir?" I ask as he guides me to a machine. I step into a square and stand still as the machine starts up. "This should charge your shields and make them functional." he explains. I watch as two electrical staffs circle around me. They start out slow, but gradually increase speed until they charge my shields to 100%.

"Now I'll break your shields and see if they recharge on their own." he presses some buttons and immediately my shields pop away. I look at my arms and legs to see small lines of electricity crawling all over my body. Some things never change. I simultaneously think as my shields recharge. Right as it reaches 100% my shield becomes visible for a couple seconds. The hard energy shield glows a bright blue and then fades. Although it may not be visible, my shield is still protecting me.

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