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The young girl with ruby red hair was strapped to a chair, her name, Kage Nakamura. Her arms had shackles connected to the arm rest of the chair, while her feet were shackled to the legs. She was being put through another series of tests. She had learned long ago that screaming and thrashing around won't do her any good, so she stayed silent with a expression no one could read. She sat staring at the black window, she could only see her reflection not the other side, but she already knew what was there.

Then there was the sound of the metal door opening. She turned her head slightly to see what it was. It was a scientist, she had black hair with blue eyes. She walked over to the girl and bent down. "Hello KN-13, now we're going to be doing something a little different from your normal tests, is that ok?" She spoke in a soft voice, but there was nothing soothing about it. Kage or as she called her, KN-13, just stared at her, not answering for she already knew she never had a choice. The woman frowned, but then smiled again, "I'll take that as a yes!" The woman stood up and walked out, the metal door making multiple clicking sounds as it closed.

The shackles were then unlocked leaving the girl confused. She rubbed her wrists, as she cautiously stood up and looked around. The walls were a white color, matching the floor and ceiling. The lights were very bright lighting up every inch of the room. There was also a door at the very back of the room, which began to suddenly open. The young girl watched as the door opened, revealing a large muscular creature, it had a beak and it's brain was exposed. It stood staring at her, not moving a muscle.

The speakers above the window went off, and someone spoke through. "Test Subject KN-13, this is your next test! Nomu..." She stared at the speaker, then looked back at the creature. They wanted her to kill him, that's what this test is for. "Attack!" The Nomu let out a shriek and charged at her at a inhuman speed.

He struck her, sending her flying from the middle of the room to the other side where the window was located. She grunted in pain, he had hit one of her still healing scars located on her abdomen, and no doubt there was a broken bone somewhere.

She stood back up just in time to get thrown across to the opposite side of the room. She wiped her mouth, the blood coming from her busted lip, having hit her face on the wall. She didn't feel like dying, not now, no she still had to save the kids who might have a chance at being happy, the babies that these psychos stole from their parents, she can't allow this creature to kill her.

She acted quickly, summoning a bow and arrow, and covering the darts in flames. Three arrows zipped at the creature, blue flames surrounding the whole. For a child, she seemed just as a capable of fighting as a hero would. But that's exactly what they wanted.

Once the arrow's hit the creature, it screeched. She knew that this wouldn't bring it down so easily, but it would keep it occupied for now. Flames licked it's body, surrounding it, burning it to ash, but it continued to regenerate the burning areas, though it was doing a very good job.

She held a calm and blank expression, leaving the scientists behind the window, to examine the non-panicking girl.

It let out one more nonhuman screech before it turned to nothing but ash, as the fire was far more faster than it's regenerating power. The room was quiet, only her breathing being heard. She brought her hand to hold her side, feeling the oncoming bruise, whether there was broken bones or not, was unknown to her.

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