𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖 ~{𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟}~

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Kage walked up to the giant mansion, peeking down at her phone once more before pressing the button notifying she's here.

09:30 {9:30am}


Hey! This is Nakamura right?


Yes. Yaoyorozu I'm guessing. When do you want to meet up? Also I'm going to need a address.


Right! Of course! ######## #### also will 10:00 (10:00am) do?


Yes. That works fine. Thank you and see you then.


Yup! No problem! See you then!

A buzz erupted as she pushed the button, before a voice came through.

"Nakamura! You're actually here! I'll come greet you and then we can discuss." Kage recognized the voice to be Yaoyorozu's. Kage gave a "ok" for her answer. After a few minutes the gates opened showing the long black haired female standing there with a smile. "I'm glad you kept your word and came!" Yaoyorozu greeted cheerfully, clapping her hands together.

Kage nodded, "of course. I like to keep my word, so don't expect me to ever lie." Yaoyorozu blinked before giving off another bright smile. "Well let's get started!"


Kage stood at the end of the table leaning against it while Yaoyorozu went to go get the others who arrived a few minutes ago.

Looking up and over as she heard the sounds of voices from her classmates. As they walked in they paused as soon as their eyes landed on the ruby haired female.

Her head was tilted as her grey eyes -or eye as they couldn't see the other- looked and examined them, her left eyebrow raised as she questioned their frozen state.

She pushed herself from her previous stance. They could all now clearly see what she was wearing.

A gray hoodie that was far too big for her ran down to above her knees. Ripped black jeans going down to her ankle with black converse resting on her feet. They all snapped from their frozen trance when the female spoke up.

"You guys expect to learn anything by just standing there or....?" They all blinked before setting their bags down and taking a seat.

Yaoyorozu walked over to Kage and whispered something in her ear to which she whispered something back. They nodded and Yaoyorozu smiled at her before walking over to everyone.

"Now that everyone is here let's get started yes!"


Momo and Kage worked together to help their classmates understand the concept they were teaching. Someone occasionally asking a question. Sometimes Kage would even offer them help in case they didn't get it, or needed a better explanation and easier one than Momo's.

Currently Kage was pointing out an easier way to solve certain problems to Kaminari while Momo and the others waited and watched.

"Understand it now?" Kage asked him, to with he nodded and gave off a bright smile. "Yeah! Thanks a lot Nakamura!" She nodded with a neutral expression, but everyone could've of sworn they seen the slight twitch of her lip go upward like trying to stop from smiling. Kage suddenly looked put the window and pulled put her phone.

"It's getting late maybe we should all stop here." Kage told everyone. To which they all nodded and some sighed in relief.

Everyone began packing their things before Mina decided to speak up. "Man! Thanks a lot you two! I'm sure we'll do better on our exams now!" She exclaimed.

Kage nodded and Yaoyorozu smiled. "No problem Mina! I don't mind helping out friends!"  Kage blinked looking around the room as the others began to say their thanks as well.


Kage slung her bag over her shoulder, as she looked over at everyone who was talking. She began to walk towards the door, feeling quite left out and having no need to enter the conversation they were having.

"Oh wait Nakamura!" She stopped and turned around. The others all looking over at her. Yaoyorozu was the one who had called her.

"Thanks for coming over and helping tutor everyone!" Kage nodded giving off a hum. "It was no problem. You have my number if you need me. I'd be open to help study again. Anyways goodbye." Kage turned and walked out having memorized where the exit was in the mansion.

Everyone was stunned. Not only did she actually help them study, but she offered to do it again. Kage Nakamura. The girl who came off cold, rude and heartless. Offered to help them study. Again.

Suddenly goofy grins popped onto three of the students faces in the room. Kaminari, Sero and Mina. "She's so warming up to us!" Mina cheered.  Everyone else looked at three before each other and smiling. "Yeah she sure us." They all agreed.

She really isn't that bad after all.

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