Running Man World View

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Here is how the story origin of the animation came to reality:

Running Man Worldview
The Soul Tree,
It's fruit was the source of energy for civilization.
many were blinded by its ultimate power
which caused never ending wars amongst the tribes.
Destined to put at end to these catastrophic wars,
The leaders of each tribe,
finally came to a peace agreement which resulted in a competition.
A player from each tribe would be equipped with special watches,
and shields,
And those brave contestants,
who strive to succeed in each competition are known as,
The Running Man.

Feel free to watch the video so the Running Man players Character teaser trailer.

Liu: Intelligent, Kind, Helpful, Determined, Skillful

Miyo: Agile, Feisty, Skillful, Secretive

Popo: Adorable, Little, Magical, Card-Slinger

Gai: Skillful, Fast, Cloning, Professional

Lonky: Deceitful, Traitor, Stretchable, Silly

Kuga: Strong, Fierce, Easily-Irritated(especially by Lonky)

Pala: Knowledgeable when it comes to Potions

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