legendary cookies (headcanons)

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i had to edit a few things to match the plot of my next oneshot! you'll find the changes in bold.

the legendary cookies are the most powerful cookies in the entire cookie world! they all have powerful magic and abilities to beat anyone's ass.

-they were all created outside of the oven, except dark enchantress

-millennial tree came first! there is a giant tree located at the forest of the cookie world named the millennial tree, and millie is the cookiesonified tree spirit of the tree
-wind archer came next. he was created to protect the millennial tree, therefore giving him a physical being
-around the same time, the witch baked dark enchantress
-then, moonlight! the city of wizards created her with magic and she continues to protect the city after the wizards disappeared
-finally, sea fairy and fire spirit appeared around the same time. sea fairy was created from a ball of dough dropping into the magical part of the ocean and fire spirit was created from pure flames

-they're all thousands of years old, and spent their time on their duties as the time passed
-obviously, millie purified the land with his magical tree powers while wind archer removed any threats to him
-dark enchantress went around and wrecked havoc, spreading her darkness wherever she went
-sea fairy took her place at an underwater city, cookielantis and protected the citizens
-fire spirit kind of just hung around the dragon's valley for a thousand years until the cookies began living in the cookie world
-oh and they're all immortal too, but they can be killed (except FS)

how bout a little info on the cookies? :)

fire spirit:
-is a total flirt. he's hella pansexual and will flirt with anyone and everyone (except aromantics and the children, because he's reasonable like that)
-despite being the flirt he is, he never wants to get into a serious relationship for two reasons: he wants to continue being a bachelor flirt and he feels like he won't be good enough inside a relationship
-he gets a lot of mood swings, similar to flames. his mood flickers and can rise and lower in a matter of seconds
-unlike the others, he can only be killed by extinguishing all the flames, which are the source of his power
-even if he seems like an ass, he's pretty caring towards certain cookies
-and no, fireknight doesn't exist in this au and in fact, fire spirit holds a grudge against knight (you'll see why later)
-he's also a father figure to dragonfruit and devil
-fire spirit has awesome powers to control and create fire
-even though he's an "eternal flame" he's super scared of water lMao
-he's definitely that one guy that gives nicknames to everyone. he calls wind archer "windy," millennial tree "millie," moonlight "moon," dark enchantress "dark," and sea fairy "sea"

sea fairy:
-is the calm one of the group and is usually quiet. you'll probably forget she's even there until she talks or something
-she's in the reasonable squad with millie and wind archer
-sea fairy really likes hanging out by the sea (duh)
-unlike fire spirit and his connection to flames, sea fairy rarely ever gets mood swings because the sea in the cookie world is mainly calm and soothing
-but when the tide gets wild? ohoho you're gonna see the angry sea fairy
-she used to live in cookielantis but one day came back to see the entire place destroyed :(
-after that, she kind of became really quiet and barely talks and when she does, it's in a soft voice
-sea fairy can control the waves and create water but she mainly gets her power from any body of water
-did i also mention she can turn into a mermaid? when she goes into water, her dress becomes a tail
-she has some sort of friendship with wind archer
-she's also peppermint's mom. not biologically, but that's where peppy gets their powers
-sea fairy is super soft for moonlight but never said anything about it
-her hair is LITERALLY a waterfall so yeah she's bald (at least as a cookie)

wind archer:
-is cold and serious. you don't ever see him smiling except around herb or balloons. his eyes are also really sharp so it makes people scared to interact with him
-but not fire spirit! he LOVES harassing wind archer just for shits and giggles
-however, there are still some people that windy is soft for: herb, peppermint, and millie (and maybe a couple others)
-wind archer still feels obligated to protect millie at all times
-since he and sea fairy are friends, he sees peppermint a lot and therefore feels the need to protect them too
-and of course, he has a crush on herb without even knowing it. it wasn't love at first sight, but it started because he had an interest in herb's gardening
-he's been inside the forest for so long that herb had to teach him about the outside world and trends
-wind also has epic archer powers and can fly

millennial tree:
-is kind and caring. even his voice can calm you down!
-he can grow trees and branches straight from the ground and draws his power from nature
-honestly he would have been the most sane out of everyone except for the fact that he dOesn'T sLeEp
-i literally cannot write more about him i'm sorry

-is probably the most dense out of the group. she's extremely gullible and way too trusting, making her an easy victim to lies
-opposite from millie, she's aLWayS sLeEpiNg
-moonlight is also super soft for sea fairy, but they never confess anything
-she finds fire spirit super annoying because he's always flirting with her and wind archer
-she has these epic star and moon powers with meteors and stuff
-you know those nights you can't sleep? yeah, that's moonlight's fault. she controls sleep. there are also those nights where you just pass out completely and that's her fault too.
-despite being powerful, she's really dumb and that's her main weakness

dark enchantress:
-is super evil. she was literally created by the witch to spread darkness!
-she's also pomegranate's master and create evil plans together
-she's REALLY good at pretending and lying, so the legendaries didn't even begin suspecting her until something happened
-dark enchantress's powers consist of dark portals, these demonic arm things, and teleportation
-she has a witch's laugh and it's really scary
-she can also cast curses so if you do anything to her say bye bye to your freedom

-after the epic, rare, and common cookies showed up, the legendary cookies came together and realized that they're all powerful beings and decided to create a council together (and DE, being the talented liar she is, didn't reveal her true self)
-they have weekly meetings inside a castle they built and DE always seems stays there (but no one questions it)
-millie joined during the first pomegranate incident when moonlight awakened him to help
-millie is slightly salty that moonlight self-elected herself to be leader but it eventually gets sorted out

-dark enchantress is an evil bitch plotting to spread her darkness to the cookie world
-she joined the legendaries as your average, normal magician who has awesome magic
-after the first pomegranate incident (the mtc event) where she revealed herself to be evil, she got the legendaries to accept her back by saying she was going along with pomegranate to protect the others
-millie, being the kind and forgiving person he is, let her off and decided to trust her again
-fire spirit didn't really care
-moonlight was really dumb and didn't suspect her at all after that
-meanwhile, sea fairy and wind archer kept a close watch on DE after that
-sometime in between these events, fire spirit gets himself a kid

-then, a massive war between the legendaries and darkness begins.
-dark enchantress never showed up in the war, so windy suspected she was helping the opposing side... and there were some clues that she was using her power in hiding
-in the first battle, DE and pom recruit actual cookies to fight for them but they get their asses whooped and basically a lot of cookies crumbling
-also, sea fairy went missing right before the war.
-the second battle occurs, and this time there are jelly walkers as fighters instead of cookies
-eventually, they win the war, but pomegranate escapes and leaves her brother behind
-the legendaries banished her brother into the human world for helping the dark side in the war
-after that, they made sure this war would never be known by the other cookies and kept it hidden.

-dark enchantress actually cast the curse on sea fairy to keep her quiet but it just made wind archer more suspicious
-she gets found later on but that's a story for another time :)
-fire spirit starts showing up at the meetings less because of dragonfruit
-dark enchantress still keeps a low profile while secretly plotting with pomegranate

-then, the events of my other book (the time i was human) occurs
-after defeating DE and pom, the others go back to their normal lives

and i won't put any more because i don't want to spoil anything :)

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