✘i dare you

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I know yall been wanting this so sorry for the wait. 

To make up for it this is over 3k words.


Isla's pov

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Isla's pov.

"Okay you ask first,"

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth" I reply and she coughs the word pussy before I smack the back of her head again. She starts to think for a moment before replying.

"Would you ever have an orgy?" Damn crazy right off the bat.

"Um right now...probably not but 'never say never' I guess" I reply quoting her.

"Okay, Billie, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to text the first person on your iMessage recents and say you want to fuck," she smirks at me pulls up her messages and I give her a confused look. She starts texting and then puts her phone away and a second later I hear a ding.

Hoping it's a coincidence I pull out my phone only to see a message from fucking Billie.

I wanna fuck bbg <3

I then look roll my eyes at her before speaking

"You really haven't texted anyone else today besides me?" I ask.

"Nope, now it's my turn...Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I reply deciding not to pick truth twice.

"I dare you to give me a lap dance," when those words come out of her mouth I immediately choke on air and start coughing while she smirks.

"Excuse me...a what?"

"You heard me baby,"

What is with straight girls and sending mixed signals?

In my head I have to decide am I gonna take a piece of clothing off or give her this lapdance? On one hand, she's probably just joking and being a dick, ya know because she's straight. On the other hand, she could like me which is unlikely but maybe she'll like me more if I do this.

Why the hell do I sound like a teenage girl in high school trying to decide whether to give it or not? Whatever.

"Fine," I reply.

"Oh?" she looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

"You want a lap dance Eilish? You'll get one," I'm thankful I got my changeable lights installed recently so I can set the mood. I grab my phone and change the lights to purple and I connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and start to play Partition by Beyonce.

"Oh shit," I hear Billie mumble and I smirk in response. I start to move my body to the music while getting closer to her. When I reach her to start to trail my hand down her arm and across her chest high enough so I'm not touching too much though. I turn around and am happy the shorts I'm wearing are already short. I slowly arch myself so my ass is right in front of her. I rub myself slowly on her crotch for a bit before hovering a bit and slowly twerking on her.

5 Steps ✔ billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now