Step Three ✘needs

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Isla's pov

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Isla's pov.

I wait a moment for her to start kissing back but when she doesn't I pull away from her.

"Isla you can't keep toying with me. All your mixed signals ar-" I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers aggressively gripping her hip and pulling her closer closing the space between us. Shock is apparent in her demeanor as I pull away.

"Is that signal clear enough?" I whisper in her ear while I take a risk and move my hand from her hip down to her ass and softly squeeze it causing her to softly gasp. She then bites her lower lip and I softly pull it from her teeth with mine before connecting our lips again passionately. I slowly roll us over so I'm in between her legs while her body is under me. Sabrina continues to play while the red orange light illuminates her skin. We pull away for air and I immediately start to kiss down her neck until I hear a breathy moan letting me know I found her sweet spot.

"Don't leave marks," she breathes out before I grip her neck tightly.

"Don't tell me what to do babe," I reply in a low tone with what I can assume is lust in my eyes. I trace my thumb against the spot while I tilt my head staring at it. Then I move my gaze down her whole frame.

"Why are you staring?"

"I'm just imagining all the things I want to do to you," I see her crystal eyes turn a dark shade as her tongue swipes across her lower lip.

"Well stop imagining and turn them into a reality," she lifts her shirt up slowly with one hand and stops right above her chest so I can see her bare tits slightly spilling out while she smirks.

I let go of her neck and grab both them squeezing them over her shirt before I signal her to sit up. She complies and throws the shirt over her head revealing her soft huge tits. I immediately push her back down and connect my mouth to her left nipple sucking on it while massaging the other one. I alternate while Billie's soft moans fill the room. I let go with a pop and Billie spreads her legs further open.

"Someone's eager," I joke and she rolls her eyes before chuckling. I kiss down her stomach to the lace of her black panties and as I slowly begin to slide them down my phone starts ringing on the nightstand. Billie rolls her eyes and groans and I give her an apologetic look before going to answer.


"Yes is this Isla Armani?"

"Yes," I feel Billie's arms wrap around me from behind as she rests her head in the crook of my neck.

"Hello, your mother is currently in recovery and you are allowed to see her at this time if you would like though right now she is sleeping." My heart starts beating faster in my chest at the moment I've been waiting for for hours.

"Okay thank you so much,"

"No problem," then the line cuts.

"What was that about?" I hear Billie ask curiously.

5 Steps ✔ billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now