Step Four✘mending

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Some of ya'll bout to be real mad at me.

Some of ya'll bout to be real mad at me

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Billie's pov.

"Billie it's been two weeks. I hate seeing you like this. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Finneas asks in a worried tone from the doorway of my room.

I shake my head no and Finneas sighs before shutting my door. I've been cooped up here only leaving to eat or use the bathroom. I just don't have the mental energy to do anything but lie down and be stuck in my head.

Not only do I feel hurt and betrayed but I feel embarrassed that I let myself get played like that. That the only reason someone would want me is for money and their personal gain. And that the same bitch that ruined my other relationship came to ruin whatever Isla and I had.

Or at least what I thought we had.

I've blocked her on everything but her number because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Despite what I said to her that night especially with her mother, which I feel bad about, she still calls me and texts me every day. I shouldn't have brought her mother into it, I know that's a sensitive spot for her.

I just wanted to hurt her like she hurt me so I was petty.

Anytime her caller ID pops up onto my phone I feel tears spring to my eyes as I see her cute profile picture. I just love torturing myself with letting memories of her calling me beautiful and the way she would look at me or the feeling of her hands on my skin crawl through my mind.

And I realize I was accidentally falling in love with her, making me want to cry more because of how much I miss her.

How could it have all been fake?

I wonder if she even cares or if she's just fucking Darius...maybe she just wants me to forgive her so she could get more money out of-

My thoughts are interrupted by another knock on my bedroom door.

"Finneas go away," I groan before my door opens and shuts.


"Hey Bil..." he greets trailing off. I move the bed covers a little inviting him and he sits on the bed next to me.

"Why are you here?" I ask puzzled.

"Finneas called me since you didn't want to talk to anybody," he explains.

"I still don't want to talk about it," he just wraps his arms around me while my head rests on his chest and I exhale feeling his warmth envelope me.

"It'll be okay, whatever it is," Leo says softly in a comforting manner.

I lift my head up as my fingertips caress his arm.

" me forget...just for a bit,"

"Billie please stop trying to use me again. This is about Isla, isn't it? What happened between you two?" I sigh deciding to just open up since he already has a clue. I explain what happened at the party as he listens intently.

5 Steps ✔ billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now