Step Two✘trust

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Isla pov

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Isla pov.

It's been two days since the party aka Monday. As you probably already guessed me and Billie haven't spoken since she stormed out of the party. The only difference is that I've tried calling her and she declined it. I tried texting her twice and I wasn't even left on delivered.

I was left on read.

So, in conclusion, fuck her.

If she wants to be petty over something she shouldn't even be petty over then fine.

I can't wait till this deal is over so I can get my money and not deal with that confusing cheating bitch.

I just have to remember why I'm doing this and that she's a cheater and uses her fame to her advantage so I don't get in too deep.

Even though she seems nothing like that...but why would someone go to the lengths of paying a person five thousand dollars just to break someone's heart if everything was a lie?

I need to get the looks can be deceiving thing through my damn skull to get through this.

I walk into the psychology building at my university and start heading to class when I see Leo, the guy who introduced me to Billie, from across the hall. I didn't even know he went here. He doesn't seem to see me because he's looking down with a smile on his face while talking on the phone. I wonder who he's talking to that's making him smile so damn much. He also looks like he's glowing.

"Yeah okay, I'll talk to you later Bil," he says before hanging up. When he does I quickly make my way into my class and take a seat letting that sink in. I can't go jumping to conclusions just yet and even if my suspicions are correct I can't be mad right?

Or can I?

I sigh as the professor walks in and starts his lecture and I take my notes for the rest of the period.


After a long day, I finally head home. When I get to my door I unlock it and twist the knob hearing the TV playing some random commercial in the family room.

"Hey Mom, I'm home," I yell over the TV before closing and locking the door behind me. I don't get an answer and I assume I just can't hear her over the commercial. I go upstairs and drop my stuff in my room and then walk into the family room. I see my mother with her eyes closed and I wanna assume she's sleeping but it looks like an uncomfortable position so I decide to wake her up. I turn off the Tv and kneel down beside her.

"Hey Ma wake up," I say close to her face. I get nothing.

"Mama wake up," I say a little louder while shaking her.

She doesn't even flinch. I quickly grab her arm and try to check her pulse but I barely feel anything.

"No no no," I say quietly while starting to panic. Tears start to pool in my eyes as I try shaking her harder and it obviously not working. I quickly grab my phone and dial 911 and it rings before I hear a lady answer.

5 Steps ✔ billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now