Hall boy/ Andy Barclay x reader

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(Y/n) (L/n) was an intelligent child but that didn't mean they had very many friends during the move.Most of there friends left them from rumours around the school so their family made them move.They moved into a apartment complexe,It was close to there new school which made them parents happy.

Reader's POV

I was in my room unpacking my stuff into my new room.It was small but it still fitted everything I needed so I wasn't complaining,I walked out of my room being bored only to see my no one in the living room meaning I was home alone.I smiled as I grabbed my phone and left the house locking the door behind me.I took out my phone than proceeded to put my earphones in.I played my favourite playlist of my favourite songs.I stopped when I saw a child sitting near some doors in the hallway.My heart stopped since I didn't want to talk to anyone but my parents nagged me to try and make a good start in making friends and school work.I slowly walked up to him nervous,I sat down in front of him leaning on the opposite wall.

His head lifted from his phone and looked at me confused and nervous.I put my hand out in a shaking manner and smiled softly.He took my hand and shock it smiling.

"Hi,My name is (Y/n)."I spoke softly taking my earbud out,He smiled than put his phone into his pocket.

"Name's Andy."He introduced him self,We began to talk about random stuff getting to know each other more,We heard footsteps approaching as Andy perked up and looked around the corner,He smiled than stood up.I did the same and put my hands behind my back as the woman approached.The woman looked at me and smiled.

"Oh Andy you made a friend?"The lady asked as Andy sighed than said bye to me walking away.I smiled as he left.The lady introduced herself as Karen or Andy's mother.She left leaving me there at the window only to have water droplets on it from the rain,I started outside for a little while before returning to my house.I was greeted by my mother putting bags onto the kitchen counter.I began to walk to my room shutting the door getting ready for bed since it was quick late.

I flopped onto my bed staring up at the ceiling.The first thought that came to mind was Andy,He seemed like a really nice kid.Why was he all alone in the hall.I put my phone on charge as I tried to fall asleep.I slowly awoke to the sound of my mother yelling for me to get up,I sat up slowly still feeling tired I layed back down only for my door to open with my mother.She walked over to me opening the window blinds letting light fill my once dark room.She took my blanket off.I opened my eyes o see my mother holding a outfit in her hands.I looked at her confused till she dumped them on me telling me to get dressed for school.I sprung out of bed as soon as the word 'school' left her mouth.I put my head into my hands.After while I got up and got dressed in my clothes I ignored the ones my mother gave me and put on my favourite style of outfit.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room seeing my mother talking to my father as she was making a sandwhich.I walked out of the house grabbing a bag with school stuff in it,them no noticing as I began to walk to school since before we came her I saw it.

I entered the school being greeted by many kids.I walked around only to bump into someone.I looked up only to meet brown eyes who belonged to Andy.He quickly apologised till he recognised me.He helped me up as he smiled.

He grabbed my hand as he lead me to two other people.The girl went by the name of Falyn,While the boy that looked like a bully went by Pugg.I introduced myself and for the rest of the school day I had friends to hand out with.

At the end we were all walking home together,Me and andy were in the front chatting,My phone went off making me blush in embarrassment.I got it out of my pocket to see it was my dad calling.I answered it as Andy went silent.My father told me he and mom were out so no one was home.He hung up before I could say anything.I sighed as Pugg jumped between us yelling for us all to have a sleepover.I giggled,Andy nodded as we all headed to his house.We all walked in as Andy spoke to his mother.I smiled knowing how nice she was to Andy,I comapined her to my parents and frowned as I sat on a bean bag read to begin watching moves.

It was late and me and Andy were the only two awake as he turned off the last movie than he sat back down leaning on the couch with me doing the same.Are hands were inches apart making my face heart up.Andy was a really cute boy,He was also really nice.I felt so tired I didn't realise I began to lean on Andy's shoulder.As soon as I realized I was about to get off but I felt something wrap around my waist.I leaned in closer and hugged him feeling sleep consume me.

I woke up slightly feeling something around me but I didn't mind I snuggled closer only to hear giggles.I opened one of my eyes to see Falyn and Pugg standing over me with a camar.The noticed I was awake and hide the phone.I got up only to realise I was sleeping on Andy.My whole face went bright pink.I got up quickly causing me to fall off the couch pulling the blanket with me.I heard a groan than two people burst into laughter.I stood up still blushing with the blanket around my shoulders.

Andy looked at me confused as I quickly said I needed to go,I ran out of the room grabbing my stuff than to the door only to be stopped by someone grabbing my wrist.I turned around seeing Andy with a worried expression.I stopped as I saw blush dusted across his cheek.

"Hey,I'm sorry if something happened."He spoke as he let go of me and scratched the back of him neck nervously.He looked cute like this,The thought made me giggle making Andy look at me confused.

"Oh s-sorry."I stuttered as looked the other way,I felt something grab my chine making me look back at Andy to see him smiling.He leaned forward as I blushed at least a hundred times more than before.Andy put his lips to mine as he blushed only just realizing what he was doing.I leaned forward closing my eyes.He did the same as I wrapped my hands around his neck playing with his hair.We parted for air as we heard a clicking sound making us both turn to the noise.Falyn and Pugg stood there smiling holing up a phone.I blushed much hard same as Andy.

I stepped back untangling my fingers from his hair."Um I'm gonna go..."I spoke awkwardly as I proceeded to grab my stuff leaving the apartment.I pulled my hood up as I touched my lips,I was walking down the hall to my room and all i could think about was the kiss.

I walked to my apartment than realized I had another day of school.I sighed as I quickly got ready than ran all the way to school.I walked to my first class which had Andy making me slight happy but blush.I started to second guess he actually liked me,I felt sorrow consume my soul causing me to pull my hood up hiding my face.The class started to fill with students meaning class was about to start.The chat next to me moved meaning Andy was here,We were in a group table the four of us since it was homeroom.Me,Andy.Falyn and Pugg sat at the table.I felt a pat on my shoulder making me turn and see Andy smiling nervously.I smiled forgetting all my worries from his single smile.Class started and it was boring besides me and Andy talking to each other when ever we could.Pugg and Falyn were there but they letting us talk to each other.

We were all leaving school again but this time it was just me and Andy.It was an awkward silence as we walked.I decided to bring up the kiss since it was practically on my mind the whole day.I opened my mouth to say something but andy stopped me turning me around to face him.At first I was confused till he began to speak.

"Listen about the kiss I'm so sorry if I made you unc-"I cute Andy off by kissing him again than hugging him putting my head onto his chest.

"It's okay,but can I ask you something?"My voice was shacky and nervous for his response but I got a nod meaning I could ask away."do...Do you like me?"I asked as I held his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.He looked at me shocked than began to blush more.

"of cause,more as a friend."he looked at me scared for a moment till I leaped into anouther hug.

"I love you to."I spoke hugging him and he hugged back.

"I love you to (Y/n)"

(DISCONTINUED) Andy & Chucky oneshots (x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now