Little friend(Chucky and Child!reader)

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(I have no idea when I wrote this (probably when I was 12) and probably won't be finishing it but hey posting so people can read)

(They them pronouns and this is a child/14 reader so they have a platonic relationship,VENT!this is basically a me insert so if you don't like it okay also long)

Reader's POV

I laid my head on my hand as I stared down at the blank sheet of lined paper the teacher had given us.We had read a book last week and the teacher wanted us to write the story in the monsters point of view,When I had given it to the teacher she tossed it into the trash can and command me to redo it.When I asked what was wrong with it she ignored me.The bell had gone so I jumped up from my seat running to the door ignoring the teacher.

I ran to the lunch hall and met up with my friend,Her soft brown hair was tied into a high pony tale while her jacket was around her waist.I met her green eyes smiling as we hugged each other."Oh my god I thought you weren't coming."She exclaimed leaving her arm rapped around my shoulder.I smiled awkwardly and shrugged.We sat on a pole that was horizontal,Dropped my bag next to me she reached into hers pulling out her phone typing to someone.My smile dropped as I say my ex boyfriend coming over,Alice looked up from her phone and glared at the boy."The fuck you doing here?"She stood up giving her phone to me.My ex lifted his middle finger to wards than left laughing alone with his assholes of friends.

Alice turned to me still frowning,She than smiled and grabbed my hands pulling me to a standing position."Oh i know what we can do to cheer you up!!"She jumped up and down."We could go shopping!"I gave her a confused look as she only smiled brighter.

"How will that cheer me up,I have no money to spend anyway."She shock her hand than put her hand out asking  for her phone.I gave it to her as she pulled up a strange looking kid s toy.

"I could get you a late birthday present!"She pointed to the photo as I frowned but thought for a moment.

"Why a childs toy tho?"I chuckled since I was that childish to want toys.She frowned than grabbed my should giving a look of puppy eyes.

"Please I promise its not boring you'll enjoy having something to chat to anyway."I sighed which she took as a yes,Another bell was heard making us  groan.Only two more classes to go.

Math was boring as normal I just drew on my worksheet most of the time,Art was fun since we did a self portrait.I drew some of my interest around my drawing than colored than in.I left it on the tray as I walked out of the classroom along with the other students,I was walking out of the gate when I felt arms rap around my and a giggle from my shoulder.I smiled as Alice jumped in front of me giving me a playful glare.

"You were going to leave me."She smiled as I chuckled than walked forward leaving her behind.

"Wow that's a great idea I'm going to head home now."I laughed as she grabbed my hand not letting me go.

"You're a meanie you know that,"I nodded as we began walking away from the school and toward the shopping center.We walked threw the doors as Alice practically dragged me across the store trying to find the right shop the doll was at.We walked into a colorful entrance with boxes and stuffed toys on shelves,We walked forward a little more than Alice ran in front of me grabbing a big yellow box with the red words spelling 'Good guy' Alice was smiling brightly as she sped walked to the counter to pay.I glanced around the store some more seeing many different types of toys.Wooden,stuffed and plastic baby dolls than there were a lot of 'Good guy' stuff like a tool kit.

Alice came back to me now having the yellow box under her arm."Okay lets go to you house so we can open it!"She smiled brightly as we walked out of the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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