Chapter 9

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Over the next few days, everyone was working hard to make this work.

Cody was analyzing all the information and evidence they already have to draw as many conclusions as possible.

Malachi was busy trying to illegally get Jessa in the school's system so they are able to get away with this. He made another fake identity for Jessa, because her name and other information is in another school district.

Gianna was working with Malachi in create a school identity for Jessa. She did the "easier" components, like creating her schedule, making a school ID, but also making sure she would be ready for school with a few basic supplies if she needs them.

Jessa was preparing herself to go to school, and making sure she would be able to blend in easily.
At the same time, she would be working with Noelle to try and figure out more things about Autumn. Using Instagram to help them, the two girls were able to find her at the mall a couple times, to figure out who she actually was, because the internet might not show the whole picture.

After those few days, everyone knew their part in the plan and it was about to be put into action. It's now the second day back to school after spring break. Jessa and Malachi are going to be going to the school, while Cody and Gianna will stay at the house to monitor everything that's going on.

Jessa is going to have an earpiece so she can hear instructions from the other three. Plus she'll have a microphone and a camera on her so that the others can easily know what's going on around her.

Jessa and Malachi pulled up to the school a few minutes before the bell. The plan is: Malachi was sitting in the car waiting for her to come out with Autumn. Jessa was going to spend the first block in the library doing her homework, and then try to hide in another place. They had already located the classrooms that Autumn's classes were going to take place in, so from there it will hopefully go smoothly.

Jessa walked into school with the rush of the kids going to their first block classes. She found the library quickly and sat at a table to do homework. As she got started, the librarian approached her.

"Hi there. I haven't seen you around here. Are you new?" she said.

Jessa got a little bit nervous before answering. "Yes I am. I transferred over spring break," she said.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Thompson. What's your name?"

"I'm Jessica," Jessa said. Obviously, this is a lie. They decided to give her another fake name, but this one is like the one that she has right now.

"Welcome Jessica. If you need anything, come over to my desk. I'd be happy to help you."

Jessa went back to doing her homework. She was partially doing homework and partially messaging Malachi and Gianna on her laptop. When the block switch bell rang, she turned on the camera and microphone before leaving the library.

She joined the crowd of students in the hallwayand tried to find Autumn. Meanwhile, back at the house, Cody and Gianna watched Jessa's every move from the camera. They saw someone who matched the description that was given to them by Noelle and quickly informed Jessa.

"She's over there. walking towards the classroom on the left," Cody said into the microphone used to communicate with her.

Jessa looked in that direction and saw her. Her eyes followed Autumn into the classroom. Suddenly, the bell rang, indicating the start of class.

Jessa rushed into the washroom. She made sure no one was in there, before locking herself into a stall.

"What am I supposed to do now? I just missed my chance," she said into the microphone.

"Wait until the next block switch?" Malachi said.

"That's way too long to wait," Gianna said.

"Just peek your head into the hallway. Maybe you'll get lucky," Cody said.

Jessa did as she was told and saw Autumn walking by, going to the water fountain. When she was walking towards the classroom, Jessa pulled her into the washroom. Autumn tried to escape her grip.

"Who the hell are you? And what do you want from me?" Autumn yelled.

"Shhh. You're going to blow my cover," Jessa said. "Just be quiet, and we can get this over with. My name is Jessa. I'm undercover right now because we need you as part of an investigation. We're sneaking you out of this place."

"Who's we?"

"Some secret agents and others. Just trust me on this and please come with us. There are people that need to be arrested and we want justice. I know that sneaking out isn't going to matter to you because we looked through your records already."

"What? How in the heck did you-" "That's not important."

Autumn sighed. "Okay, I'll go with you. I can sneak us out of this place. Just let me leave my phone in my locker because there's a tracker in it. But to make sure you're not a kidnapper, which I know you're probably not, we need to go somewhere public first."

"Sure. Should we go to the park?" Jessa said after hearing suggestions go back and forth in her earpiece.

"Alright. That sounds good," Autumn said.

Once Autumn put her phone away, both girls were ready to leave. They went down the back hallway because there isn't as many classrooms in that area. After leaving through the back, they walked over to a nearby park.

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