Chapter 12

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The three teenage girls hopped onto a roof part where it would lead them to the top floor. Autumn found the window and Noelle managed to open it. They wiggled in through the small window, and entered a dark hallway, the only light coming from a dim lamp. Autumn took out a flashlight from her pocket to review the map once more.

"I'm going to the east side of the building, and you two are going to south and west. We'll meet here after 20 minutes or if our bracelets start flashing because one of us found something," Autumn whispered.

The four of them went the ways they were supposed to. Jessa managed to find the office and picked the lock. She searched file after file until she found something with her parents' names on it. It was the plan for their murder.

"I knew it," she whispered to herself.

Back at the house, behind the computer screen, the three adults cheered. They knew that this plan would work

Before she could push the button to light up the bracelets and catch the others' attention, she heard a scream. She ran to the meeting spot, but only saw Noelle there.

"Let's go. Someone else is here as well," Noelle said.

"But what about Autumn?" Jessa asked.

"There isn't time. She'll figure it out."

"For all you know, she could be dead!"

"That doesn't matter right now. We need to get back to the house and tell Cody."

They ran out of there and down the street to the car. Noelle hopped into the driver's seat and they sped down the road to the house.


Meanwhile, Autumn was sitting in a room, body tied up to a chair, hands behind her back, feet tied to the chair and duct tape on her mouth. She struggled to escape the chair, but then used a tactic she learned in a survival camp. She licked the duct tape, so it wasn't as sticky, and it fell off. She was about to scream, when a hand from behind her covered her mouth.

"Don't say a word. Anything that you say might end up with you dead," a voice said.

That voice sounds familiar... she thought. She turned her head and saw someone she never thought she would see in a million years.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Well my sweet daughter, an anonymous source told me that you'd be here with some of your friends or whoever they are."

"But what's the purpose of you being here?"

"You'll find that out soon."

"What do you mea-"

Then she got knocked out.


Noelle sped down the roads, breaking rules by the second. She didn't care for any of that right now because she just wanted to get away from that place.

Jessa sat in the passenger seat, practically holding on for dear life. She had never been in a speeding car like this, and she did not want to die today.

The sisters arrived back at the house in record time. They ran into the house, where they saw the other 3 huddled around the computer. The opening of the door got their attention, and they faced the two girls.

"Why is Autumn still shown to be there? Where is she?" Cody asked.

"She's most likely captured. We heard a scream and immediately met up at the meeting area. She didn't come so we just left," Noelle said.

"You guys just left her there? She could be dead for all we know!" Malachi yelled.

"Calm yourself. We'll figure it out."

"At least she screamed so you two could get out of there quickly. If she was captured, her mouth could've been covered in a matter of seconds," Gianna said.

"Where's that thing you found Jessa?" Cody asked.

She pulled out the folder from her backpack. "I found this in the office. It was in a filing cabinet that was locked. This was all I could get before we had to leave."

Cody and Malachi flipped through the papers in the folder. Both their faces lit up.

"There's so much helpful information in here. This will help us close this case," Cody said.

"How are we going to get Autumn back though?" Malachi said.

"Is her camera or her bracelet still on?" Gianna asked.

"I'll check," Malachi said. He went over to the computer and typed something in. "Her camera is disconnected but her bracelet is still on so we can track her

"I think we should either go there tonight or tomorrow morning. We could break in again and save Autumn. If we do it tomorrow, that will give us time to go through the information I gave you today and see if we're ready to call the police or people from the business you work for," Jessa said.

"I think that we should go back there today. Or at least Jessa and I should," Noelle said. "Then you three can analyze the evidence and see if it matches up. If it does, then we can work it out from there. We could go in there, save Autumn and then leave."

"Sounds like something that would work," Cody said.

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