More Infinites

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Sonic's POV

What have I done... to be honest, I didn't do anything, she was the one who went all out on me! Ugh, why is life so hard? The thing is, I should tell her how I feel...


You were still walking when you reached a tree. You were tired, you were upset, you were mad, you needed something to get your mind off of him. You loved the surroundings, yellow flowers were everywhere, they reminded you of the Sun. Then a big shadow formed on the ground, you looked up and saw a big flying sphere, Dr. Eggman.

"What do you want?" You yell, you reached to your back pocket but remembered that you gave the Wispon to Tails earlier. "Ugh, leave me alone, now's not the time for a battle."

"Y/N, how would you like to join me in destroying Sonic?" Why was Eggman asking me this?

"Uhhh, why would I want to destroy him? We are like, best friends!"

"No you aren't, I saw him before talking to Tails about you. Orbot and Cubot recorded him."

"What did the recording say?" Eggman handed you a monitor of a recording of Sonic. It was obviously edited to make it seem like he was saying bad things about you. "Yes. I want to destroy Sonic." You lied, of course, you had an idea.

If I find the Phantom Ruby I can destroy it and the thing that makes it, so the world can be at peace and Eggman can't use them anymore!

"Hahaha, gooooood! Now come with me." He escorted you onto his flying machine and both of you flew to his lair.

His lair had tall white walls with the Eggman symbol and a big grey metal door for the entrance. He told me to get out and I hopped out of the big floating sphere, I was greeted by Cubot and Orbot and they took me to the main room. "The boss wants you to stay here, he said he'll be a few minutes," Orbot said and they both left.

It won't hurt to look around...

You found yourself walking towards a big door and you get greeted by a monitor. "WHAT IS THE PASSWORD," It said in a robot sounding voice.

"Uhhhh, I hate Sonic?" You typed it in the keypad while saying it out loud and the monitor turned green. You looked up from the green monitor and the big doors were slowly opening. "Wow, that easy?"

You slowly walked in, your feet feeling heavy as you see all these glass cylinders filled with some sort of liquid. You took a closer look at one of them and you could see tiny cells floating around.

You then walked towards a big control bench with heaps of red and green buttons which you wanted to press so badly. And you did just that. There was a huge red one which said: ONLY DOCTOR EGGMAN CAN TOUCH, but of course you touch it.

After pressing the button, a few very, very long seconds later the ground and the cylinders started to shake and the liquid inside of them was spinning and changing color. You ran up to one of them to get a closer look and you could see the cells joining together.

You were making more Infinite's...

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