Final Battle Pt 1

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You didn't want to leave Sonic alone to battle that huge robot, but you had to face your brother alone. You slowly stepped forward to him and he didn't move. Although you saw him slowly moving his hand to shoot you with the Phantom Ruby you just stood there. He snickered and muttered something under his breath that you didn't properly hear and he blasted you. Your first reaction was to move out the way, but you decided to stay put and cover your face with your free hands. A few seconds passed with your eyes closed and you opened them, you had formed a shield.

"Huh?" Infinite said, confused, he then put more force into the attack. You never knew you had this power inside you. You pushed the shield towards the Phantom Ruby, slowly walking forwards pushing against the beam of light. Infinite retracted, making you stumble and fall on your knees. Blood trickled down your knees and the palms of your hands. You gagged as you hated blood. Suddenly, you felt a weird sensation and looked back down at your hands and knees. The blood was gone.

"I-I, can heal?" You then had a great discovery. "If I can heal a-and stop attacks... can I fly?" At that thought, your feet lifted off the ground. Your heart was racing. You never knew why you didn't find out about this power beforehand, or why your parents didn't tell you. Did your parents even know?

You looked over your shoulder and saw in the distance that three different portals opened up and your friends exited from them. Sonic told them something and threw you a thumbs up. They all started to battle the Eggman Robot.

Sonic's POV

I saw Y/N block an attack, I couldn't see what was going on but all I knew what was happening was that she was ok. She would always glance towards me and wink, that was our signal of 'everything is alright'. Then a princess came through. She was tall, in her late teens and had short brown hair. She looked at me, seeming confused. I hadn't met her before, but I threw her a smile to cheer her up. Soon after that, Shadow, Omega, Silver and Rouge hopped out the portal. They were also, very confused. "You mind helping me out?" I yelled to them, whilst homing attacking the robot at the same time. Every time I'd hit the big thing it felt like it did no damage whatsoever. They all rushed over to me and stood behind in attack mode. Then something happened. The Princess threw her arms back and a fire circled her, and at that moment something clicked. Iblis. I suddenly remembered."E-Elise?" I say, struggling to speak. I let the others battle for me whilst I slowly walked towards her, tears almost forming in my eyes. She smiled. I smiled.

Shadow's POV

Fighting Mephiles wasn't hard, but this 'Death Egg Robot II" was something else. Until I had a great idea. I yelled Sonic and Silver's name. "You guys ready?" I say. They both nodded. I walked up to them and the three of us ascended into the air, all 7 Chaos Emeralds spun around us. The sensation was wild. Power felt good, at least to me it did. We threw our shoulders back and arched our backs, turning into the supers. We then dropped to the ground, slightly hovering above it, our spines turned back. "You ready to kick some ass?" I said while Sonic chuckled.

"You stole my line," Sonic said to me, still snickering under his breath, "pay me back later."

The three of us dove straight into the robot, leaving a huge hole in the chest of the robot. We just missed the cockpit where Eggman was by a small bit. Then we saw Knuckles, Tails, Classic Sonic and surprisingly, Classic Tails come through another portal. Without even any discussion they just came bolting in to help us. Then I wondered if Y/N was ok.

Infinite wasn't a good person to reason with. You tried your hardest to talk him out of it, but it wouldn't work, not even a little bit. The thought of him being your brother disgusted you. But the truth was told, and he was indeed your brother. Looking at his face for the past 5 minutes of battle reminded and brought back memories from when you were younger. He was kind to you. He would pretend to wrestle you and play fight you all the time. But you thought for a moment, what if he wasn't doing it to be fun. What if he meant it? You knew sometimes it hurt, but you never told your parents, because he said he would kill you if you did. It was abuse.

"I-Infinite...please stop fighting." You say, begging him. Though you told yourself it wouldn't work, and it didn't. He then punched your levitating body and you fell to the ground, your powers stopped working. You couldn't heal yourself. You then felt your eyes slowly close, you tried your hardest to stay awake but couldn't, your body was taking over.

Sonic's POV

Amy and everyone else arrived to help battle. Amy, Vector and Charmy were distracting the robot while everyone else damaged it. Omega was shooting the weak spot while Shadow, Silver and I were making holes in the huge torso. The Classic's and Knuckles were also damaging it, homing and counter-attacking the legs. Elise was also shooting fire at the weak spot of the robot with Omega. This battle was going on forever, and I had a feeling that this was the time where Egghead defeated us as a team. One last attack at the cockpit.

Shadow, Silver and I took one last hit, making the robot fall backwards and exploding. Eggman retreated before the explosion and flew off in his Eggmobile like he always does. All of us jumped back, but my first action was to see if Y/N was ok. I ran to a ledge which overlooked the battle, but she was lying on the floor, eyes closed and not moving. I looked at Infinite who was looking at me dead straight in the eyes. He smiled. "She's dead, Sonic. Nothing can revive her."

I dashed down to lay next to her almost lifeless body. There was blood coming from her forehead and she looked like she was drowning in her blood. She was coughing it up. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?" I yelled, not controlling my anger which was swirling around me. My tears made their way down my cheeks and fell onto Y/N's chest, soon enough, her chest was soaked in tears. I never even knew I could cry this much.

Everyone else came to stand around us, while Infinite just stood there and watched. I couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. Though she probably wouldn't feel it, I did it anyway. Her lips were cold as if she just had sucked on a piece of ice. I stayed there for a second or two before parting lips and collapsing on the ground next to her, literally crying a river. I looked up in the sky, it was pink and orange, just like when we left each other for the first time. Now she's gonna leave me for the final time. I won't ever see her again...

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