Eggheads Lair

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Sonic's POV

I took off to save Y/N, running as fast as I could to Dr. Eggmans lair. I ran so fast I nearly bashed into trees along the way, dodging here and there. The air was crisp, cold. It hurt my lungs as I breathed it in, looking up and taking my focus off my legs, I saw clouds separating around the sun. It was slowly turning nighttime. I don't know why but I couldn't communicate with Y/N at that moment, or at least, through this sunset. I decided to lay down beneath a tree that was amongst yellow flowers. It was beautiful, like her. I couldn't help but think about what I should say when I rescue her, hello, Y/N! Nah, that's too plain, what about, I've come to rescue you! Dang it, that's just cringe.

I played with the grass beside me and I soon fell asleep.

"Hey, Sonic! Ready to play soccer with the team? We've been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes." Knuckles was always wanting to play soccer, so I couldn't say no to him. I finished wrapping the sports tape around my feet and arms and grabbed the soccer ball beside me, pulling it under my arm.


We walk to the field, seeing all my beloved friends. Amy, Tails, Sticks. I haven't seen Sticks in a while. I placed the ball on the little circle in the middle and looked up, giving a wink to Tails. I kicked off once Leroy the Turtle blew the whistle and the ball headed straight for Tails, just like I wanted it to. He took control of the ball and he made his way to the goal. Scoring the point to our team. "Hell yeah, Tails way to go!" I ran up to him and gave him a huge high-five. It was Sticks' turn to kickoff and she kicked the ball, it headed right to my face.

"Crap, another dream? Ugh... wait where am I?" I looked around and remembered I was on a mission to save Y/N. I slowly stood up and started running again, I didn't really know where Eggheads lair was, but there was a huge silhouette in the distance, so I ran to that. As I was running, the pink and orange sky was the only thing making me have positive thoughts. "Sonic, please! Sonic please listen to me! P-Please!" I heard her, I stopped running and put my full focus on listening to where she was.

"Y/N? I-Is that you?" I say, "where are you?" I couldn't hear any more of her voice, though I called her name about a total of 30 times. Maybe she doesn't want to be rescued? I made my way closer and closer to the big silhouette, finally seeing what it was, and yes, it was Eggheads lair. I could tell because there was a huge logo with his face on it, talk about secret. Now I was in front of the big door, thinking of a smart plan and way to get into to save Y/N. This might take a while...

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