Chapter 3- Party

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Picture of Landon up top

Landons POV

Last night we had one hell of a party and Britney brought her A game in the bedroom so hopefully it's better tonight since it is my birthday. Last night I did hear a bunch of thumping and pounding around upstairs so either someone was getting lucky or Angel was just getting a beating but either way I don't care... Well I mean lately I have had a tendency to wince every time I see her get hurt or my wolf, Ace, tells me to protect her, which I don't understand why. Still though she doesn't deserve any form of good treatment after she murdered her parents, her brother told us about how she pushed her mom to the rogues and her dad died trying to save her. So now we beat her to get revenge for killing our favourite beta and his mate.

I rolled over from my bed and pulled myself out of Britney's disgusting grasp, even though she pleasures me I still think she's disgusting and easy.

I went over to my bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I went out and got dressed but when I was just about done Britney looked at me.

"Leaving so soon?" She asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Unlike you Britney I have things to do so please leave my bed." I told her strictly.

"Fine but I'll see you later, birthday boy." she said quickly getting dressed and leaving.

I really truly despise that girl but I do need somebody to keep me satisfied. I think for the rest of the day I'll stay in my office while everybody sets up my birthday party.

Angels POV

After last night I woke up sore and bruised. I still have dried blood under my nose and a big gash in the back of my head from being thrown against the wall.

I hate this pack.

I just can't take this anymore, you know I bet nobody has gone through the same amount of abuse as me, they've never been abused to the point where their wolf can't speak, shift, or even heal! It's just sad. I hate how cruel some people can be.

I got up and washed my face then got dressed in just some lazy clothes. I'm not getting into anything fancy because I just have to set up the party today and it's going to be a mess anyways so why would I get my good clothes dirty?

I slowly trudged my way down the stairs obviously not excited about having to set up this stupid party for the stupid Alpha.

The first thing I have to do is clean the whole house spotless, so that's exactly what I did.

I am now covered in dirt, dust and a lot of other mysterious liquids which I hope aren't what I think it is. I got up and washed my hands, now I have to set up a table filled with a shit ton of vodka and other types of drinks with a bunch of snacks and of course the gigantic birthday cake I have to make.

After setting all of that up, baking the cake, making all of the snacks and making the drinks it was already 6:30 which means the party starts in 30 minutes so I got to go back up stairs where I belong.


Landon's POV

I'm all ready for this party, I'm looking good in my dark wash jeans, black tight shirt that outlines my muscles and obviously my Playboy cologne. After being around the pack house all day today you would expect that I have found my mate by now but oddly enough I haven't oh well I guess this is kind of the purpose of my party anyways.

I already hear that the music has been turned on and some people talking downstairs but it's only 6:55 and I'm not about to be early, if anything I'm gonna be late just to make myself look a little better than I already do. I guess I'll just sit here for 15 minutes and stare at my beautiful self in the mirror.

After sitting up in my room for what seems like an eternity I eventually made my way down the staircase but I stop walking half way down so I'm above the ground and everybody can see me perfectly.

"WHOS READY TO PARTY?!" I asked/yelled and everybody screamed in response.

I walked down into the crowds and shoved my way to the drink table. It's kind of weird how I can't smell my mate anywhere because it's most likely that every teen wolf is here except.... Nahhhh why would I be cursed to have her as a mate? I know the Moon Goddess wouldn't do that to me I'm just so amazing at everything I do! For example, fighting, ruling a pack and I'm super hot! I'm so stupid for even thinking she would be my mate. My mate is probably some Alphas daughter in a different pack and she knows how to clean and act all lady like oh also she is nothing like Britney. Speaking of the devil herself, she interrupted me out of my thoughts.

"Heyyyyy mateeeeeee" Britney slurred her words ugh the party started like literally 20 minutes ago, she's either a light weight or just went off on the drinks I'm going to assume it was the latter.

"Hi Britney" I said boringly rolling my eyes.

"Isn't jusssst amazzzzing how theee Moon Goddess put usssss together?" She asked me slurring even more and closer to my face then she already was which enabled me to smell her hideous breath.

"Britney, we aren't mates." I straight up told her.

"Yessss we are sillyyyyy" she persisted

"No Britney we are not and to be honest I don't really want to see you right now because I'm trying to find my actual mate who might I add is not here." I glared her down straight in the eyes while hers started to fill with tears.

"Well maybeeeee you should tryyyyy Angelica's room" she said giving me attitude then spotting a random guy grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor.

You know what? Maybe just for the fun of it I'll go pay Angelica a little visit, she never sees enough people anyways unless they want her for other purposes if you know what I mean. Sometimes I legitimately feel bad for her, we used to be friends when we were younger you know? But then she practically murdered her parents or so I've been told, I was asleep when the whole thing happened so I never really truly knew what happened but if everybody else says she murdered them including her own brother I should believe them.

I went up the stairs with half of the pack following me. I walked up to the barely liveable bedroom where Angelica or Angel lives for most of her days, starving and most likely bored half to death, then I opened the door only to be hit with the most beautiful smell I've ever smelt, it smelt just like lemonade with just a dash of raspberry. Did I just use the word dash?

I opened my eyes only to meet the beautiful mesmerizing eyes of Angelica.

Ok well that's it for that chapter. I wonder what's going to happen next? Hopefully something very exciting between Landon and Angel, am I right? That's all I have to say really, until next time- YouAlreadyKnow

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