Chapter 25- Caged

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Sapphires POV

I opened my eyes being blinded by a bright light. Mom. I know she's been wanting to talk lately but I just haven't had the time, I'm really in for it now.

"Angelica Pride Moon! Where have you been?! I am your mother and you couldn't even bother to stop by and say hello?!" She said, sheesh I've never seen her so angry before.

"I'm sorry mom I've just been very busy and you know that and especially because I'm getting taken right now to a kingdom of rogues." I said back rolling my eyes.

"Sweetie why do you always do this? You always look out for others but never yourself. I understand you're my daughter, a white wolf and a Lycan and heck you're even a princess but if you die this whole world I created will die along with you. These men will take you but whatever chance you get you need to find a way out. I will do everything in my power to help you get out sweetie, I promise. You're waking up now but always remember I'm watching you and that I love you, goodbye" she said giving me a kiss on the head before fading away.


I woke up on the cold metal ground of a cell, my hands cuffed tightly together with a chain attached to the wall giving me a tiny bit of room to move. This is it, I'm going to die here. I'm going to lose my mate bond therefor forever losing half my soul. I'm never going to see Rose, or Grayson or Jackson ever again! I'm going to try and get out, I don't care how long it takes I'm going to leave or die trying. I also will not let this maniac put his hands on my father or anyone else no matter what. I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts by the slam of my cell door.

"I'm sorry you have to be chained up like this baby but you just weren't cooperating, you understand don't you?" He asked

"Yes I completely understand why you knocked me out and chained me to a wall!" I yelled sarcastically pulling on my chains.

"Tsk tsk calm down little mate the longer you continue to struggle the longer you will rot away in this cage." He said while smiling.

"Sooner or late my sweet mate you will join me and rule the Wereworld." He turned on his heel glancing one last time before closing the cell door.

"No matter how much you torture me it won't matter I would rather die than be your Queen!" I yelled at him.

"That can be arranged after you give birth to our pups." He said smugly.

"I never in a million years would I bare your pups!" I yelled again tears starting to form in my eyes but hiding them so he couldn't see how weak I was.

"Oh just you wait soon enough you won't have a choice." He then walked away from my cell leaving me chained by myself in the dimly lit room. I felt a singular tear slowly make its way down my cold face.

"It doesn't matter anyways Angel, just give up no one cares about us trust me"

"Woah what's up with you? You're never the type to give up" I asked her confused.

"Something has happened Angel and you need to promise me once we get out of this cell we will not go back to the Nightfall pack, you need to promise me we will run away and possibly go find our father."

"Why are you saying this to me? We can't leave Grayson! We both love Grayson so much! Why would we leave him and his pack?"

"I cannot tell you until the time is right but right now you must promise me we will leave everyone and everything behind."

"Ok sheesh I'll think about it" I replied and cut off our link. I wonder what's wrong with her? We're in a cell at a rogue base being threatened by death to have a child with a man who wants to kill my father and she decides now is a good time to act out? Ugh sometimes she can be just so irritating!


Ok that's it, it's a bit short but schools been busy so I'll just give you this chapter for now. I hope you enjoy! Make sure to vote and comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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