Chapter 28- Absolute betrayal

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Sapphires POV

I sprinted through the thick forest coming closer and closer to the pack house. I can see it! I'm so close! And finally there I was at the front door, it flew open causing it to almost come off its hinges from the force I used against it but I didn't care I needed to see Jackson and Grayson. I started running full speed towards the closest scent and then BAM I ran into a brick wall or also known as Jackson. He looked down at me confused and surprised at the same time. He pulled me up into a bone crushing hug as we cried into each others shirts.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again, you understand me?" He scolded after he pulled back to look me dead in the eyes.

"I missed you so damn much." He whispered while pulling me back in for a hug crying again.

"Jackson I missed you too, I didn't know if I was going to ever see you or Grayson again." I said letting go of his warm comforting embrace and smiling at him but he frowned, why did he frown?

"Um Sapphire about Grayson..." He slowly said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well he did a terrible thing before you left and then after he felt the pain of you having sex with another male he assumed you willingly joined to rule with the rogue king so he umm how do I put this? He chose a new Luna" my whole world stopped everything and everyone stopped. My whole world before my eyes just exploded, he believed I was purposefully mating with the rogue king.

"Sapphire what happened?" Jackson asked grabbing my shoulders.

"He raped me Jackson ok? Multiple times! He wanted a damn kid but Lexi was stopping the body development so none of it worked but Grayson..." I said sadly but then I felt fire raging through my body. It felt like anger was spewing off my body and I'm assuming it was because Jackson started backing away slowly with his hands up.

"" I said very low with my eyes glowing bright gold. (silver is normal eye colour for her and her wolf but when she's mad they go gold.)

"Upstairs in his office, Sapphire please I know he deserves it but he's your mate." He said trying to make things better which I did appreciate but it only made me angrier. I turned my back and started walking up the stairs but stopped and looked back for a second.

"I wasn't even gone for a week. He lost the privilege of being my mate." I turned back around and stomped to his office. I slammed open his door to see him sitting there in his chair doing paper work but with Britney.... On his lap.

"Oh look who it is, the slut who wanted to be just the perfect little queen." She spat at me.

"For your information bitch, I tried saving your stupid pack got kidnapped and raped so if that's what you call perfect then go fucking right on ahead but at least I'm not some fucking cunt who goes and steals a girls mate." I started stalking slowly towards her.

"And you..." I said with venom laced in my voice pointing at Grayson.

"You didn't try to save me! I saved myself! Lexi saved me from getting pregnant! All this time I was hoping to come home and for it to be perfect again and that Lexi was just being over dramatic about hating you but no, after being raped countless times, beaten and injected with wolfsbane I still had to save myself. You could feel all of my pain. You could feel my emotional pain too but yet you still betrayed me! You're no better than Landon, all those times you said you'd love and protect me, you weren't protecting me! You just wanted power! And then I tried saving you and you fucking do this to me! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed with Lexis power radiating off me and her malicious wolf side coming out in my voice.

"Sapphire I thought you left me! I thought you wanted the king more than me! I'm sorry!" He said walking towards me.

"I'm just glad you're ok now." He then tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"He fucked me before you gave yourself away, he obviously wants me more. Just go die before anyone else gets involved in your shitty life." She smirked at me and I looked at Grayson tears in my eyes but not letting them fall. He was crying though.

"Sapphire please let me ex-" he was about to say but Jackson walked in and cut him off.

"Grayson stop. I know the whole story, you got lonely because you were "too busy" to see your mate so you decided that you needed someone to fulfill your needs, so obviously the first girl you found, Britney came to your aid right away and you did her, then you felt bad and decided that you couldn't even be near your mate. Now you're finally getting what you deserve, does it feel good? Are you happy now Grayson?" Jackson said, I never knew Jackson had that in him. I've never heard him speak that way before, but I think the main reason is because when his mate died I was told he was the most angriest and violent person around until he got his act together and decided nobody deserved the pain he was causing so he became a better person, but now I think we broke him.

"You will not speak to me that way! You're only a beta!" Grayson yelled with authority.

"And you will not speak to him that way because he is technically MY beta and I'm more powerful than you!" I yelled back

"Grayson you know what? Have your mutt I don't care anymore. I'm removing this mark and me and Lexi are going somewhere else." I said glaring him down.

"Yea run away again, I hope you end up in another prison maybe this time you actually will end up dead!" He said and Lexi whimpered a little bit while my eyes filled with pain. I saw his eyes flash with hurt when he realized what he said.

"No I didn't mean it Sapphire please I don't want you to leave." He said.

"Jackson run to your room and grab your valuables we're leaving or I'm leaving if you don't want to come." I mind linked him.

"Sapphire you're my best friend, I would follow you to the ends of the earth." He said back and we both walked out the door into different directions to our rooms.


One more chapter everybody, YAYYYY I hope you all enjoyed, make sure to vote and comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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