Beginning of hell?(Russia's POV)

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My head rang as i heard the sound of my alarm blaring to wake me up. I groaned and mumbled to myself as i swiped my phone off my dresser, shutting it off so fast as i huffed in annoyance " Shut up you idiotic ringtone." My gaze glanced all around the room to somewhat admire my clean and tidy space. Most of all how quiet and peaceful it was in here. "well.. I'm sure gonna miss my room, let alone having to be in a cramped space with someone who very well be a slob. Ugh," My mind wandered to all the things that might go wrong. I sat up, yawning as i stood and doing it so loudly my ears popped to it. I was relieved to how good the yawn was but wasn't pleasantly surprised by my rancid breath making me wince. "eugh, okay.. first things first ima take care of... i suppose. ". I chuckled to myself as i slid my ushanka off my night stand and walked to the bathroom to get freshened up. 

30 Minutes later~ 

I walked out of the shower with my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth and a towel around my waist. Glancing at my phone to see i had plenty of time left and hummed as i put some music on in the background as i begun to get ready for the day. Sliding into clothes that i hadn't packed beforehand for this reason. Going downstairs after i was fully ready and greeted by the smell of breakfast. A small smile appearing  across my face as i looked into the kitchen to see my sister cooking.  "good morning Poland." I spoke to her softly but the sound of my voice made her immediately swing around in her normal happy go lucky ways. "Well good morning you! you look great today Russ!" I chuckled as i glanced at what she was making, not shocked by her pan having eggs and toast. This seemed to be her recent infatuation.  "Thanks i see you still haven't had enough chicken babies?" She rolled her eyes before she immediately stuck me with her small talk "Can you believe we are going to have our own dorms!?" I shook my head as i knew where this was going. Nodding as i sighed before responding "Yeah yeah me neither, but youve told me this again everyday for months before hand... so yes i think i can at least slightly. Now go eat your slop". I joked as she shrugged and hugged me which i returned with little issue before she pranced away to the table to eat her meal. 

I glanced around and didn't see Ukraine out of her room yet "Hey have you seen Uki?" I asked before Poland looked at me and pointed towards the living room with her mouth full of eggs. 
My eyes followed her point and saw Ukraine on the couch. A permanent angry face as she scrolled on her phone. Not anything out of the ordinary i see at least. "Well, then I'm gonna get going, see you guys!" I yanked my keys off the wall before stopping "Make sure you two lock up everything before leaving got me!?" I looked to my sisters who nodded in acknowledgement as i left in a hurry. Almost fully leaving before i realized something. "Oh shit my bags!" I rushed in and grabbed all my shit before speeding back out, ignoring my siblings judgmental and slightly worried looks before i left. Granted i never forgot things let alone something as important as my belongings.  The thought of who would be my roommate still heavy on my mind. Kind of cursing the idea of America being them. I shook the thought away as i drove to my soon to be dormitory and collage. 

America's POV 

I was taken out of my daze with a singular steady tap to my shoulder. Looking over to see Canada. I smiled as he spoke to me softly, seeing i must've been dazing away this whole time if he was able to catch up to me after i had left extra early. "Hey lets get going and get our keys and stuff so we can all get settled in!". I chuckled and stretched out. "Mnnhmn alrighty, Lets go sweetheart" I tapped my shoulder and my little kitty stretched out of her bed in the passenger seat and hoped onto me like i had taught her by accident as a kitten. Laying out like she was some fashionable scarf on my neck. "That cat really loves you huh?" I could only nod and chuckle to his comment. I grabbed some of my stuff out of the trunk and turned around just in time to see no one other than Russia who had just parked and we made eye contact. I looked away and felt myself get hot in some kind of anxious response. I really pray he isn't the one I'm rooming with. Hell ill even take Germany or Vietnam. He always did mock me and say all types of rude remarks to me. This time i don't know if i could handle it. Not after this is supposed to be my one and only way of some safe place. 

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