Your my better half part 1

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"Ame!" a small little voice so familiar would call out to me and the running of footsteps rustling through the fallen leaves and snow that crunched under their heavy quick footsteps. Turning around i was met with a smaller male whom looked like a tiny little angel. "What are you doing here and as a child russ?" I felt arms around me and the growing in size of the other male. I blinked and looked up at him. He was taller now the last time i saw him he was a good 7ft its clear hes grown a few inches. "Ame.." He says in a deeper tone than before and more sorrow into his throat that rolled down his tongue. Such like the tears in my eyes peacefully making their ways down to the floor. "r-russia.." I tightened my grip around his back, clawing his shirt to hold on better like he was going to disappear and never return to me."I'll be there i will...nothing will stop me i promise!" Then at the moment time seemed to shake..."I know you will ame because i know you are stronger than anyone else even me." I felt his shape begin to fade again from the lands of dreams, the only place we could see each other without a barrier." I PROMISE YOU!" i screamed as he left back to that world of living. I fell down and hit the ground angry at myself for ever trying to take my own life. Though i will make it back no matter what happens.

Russia's pov 

I woke up looking around and sighing with my tears to be removed by right sleeve. I looked at the book of flowers and all our memories made my sad expression turn into one of dear bliss. I missed him so much, it has been a whole year sense i even touched his skin with mine being held back.  This feeling of no return bothered me for so long. Winter had been here and it hurts to see that he is nowhere near me. Only in the land of dreams can i actually see him. I do visit him at the hospital but it's not the same to me. I just want to see him and hold him. I just need him. He always cared for me and took care of me after my family fought. I'd find him next to me and not a word had to be spoken during those times. He cared for me and i was a huge dick towards him for what? Our daddy's didn't like each other? That is what made me hate him. Though he never seemed to hate me. Damn...i was a huge dick. He was always laughing and smiling and i hated it. He had problems of his own and never talked about his feelings,though if i was down he always was somehow near by. I thought it was to have gossip material though he never talked about it. Any words even close wasn't even muttered to another person or animal. He was a nice guy like people told me,once you knew him it was hard to forget him. That is what pissed me off mostly. I couldn't forget that dumb ass smile he put on and i watched him waste away. I guess i never fully understood why he hid his feeling and acted like they didn't exist. He was a nice guy that never backed down nor surrendered for anyone,not even himself. Ame was a nice but sometimes a real cocky dude. Though he had a right he was sometimes overly cocky to north and his rivals like china. That was just him.  Man was ame a great guy, i miss him a lot already. Man even japan missed him the most as well as his brother Canada who fell into depression and Ukraine took care of him all the time. France and Britain went to family counseling to better understand how to be a good family. A whole lot went down when ame went to the hospital. His states were being taken care of by the other countries including me. I took care of Alaska and Hawaii, sometimes Colorado and Utah. Though Utah didn't particularly like me and only stayed around Rado and Hawaii. Alaska stayed near Colorado as well and didn't like anyone else really. He was a secluded one like me. We hung out together and drank a bit. Ame would be mad at me for letting laska drink vodka. I smiled lightly at the thought of ame being sassy at me. I really do hope that he wakes up soon. 

i really do miss that little bastard... my little angel of grey. 

Hello people! I know some of you were waiting for an update and i really appreciate all your love. I wanna keep updating this story for all of you. Though i want a few opinions upon how it should end. I'll wait a few days till i update part 2 so i hope you have a lovely week my followers and readers! Final chapter shall be released upon the 25th. Bye! 

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