Why me

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After americas death russia took a huge toll. He couldn't stand thinking about it. Seeing america the way he did. His body shaking as he held the one he cared for but denied for so long. Russia blinked away the tears that burned on is cold expression. The smoke from his cigarette playing in the air as russias tears fell into the ground below. It's been a year almost hasn't it? Russia squatted down and places americas nation flower on the clean grave. Russia dragged his finger across it. Russia had almost choaked UK when he asked for his sons belongings. UK never asked again after russia punched the wall next to him and it took many countries to try and stop him from practically murdering the man. Russia sighed and laughed a bit thinking about americas reaction would have been. "Meri...you would of laughed your ass off hm...?" Russia said hoping for a response still. Though nothing would ever come out of it, he still tried everyday for america to respond. He choaked his tears more and looked at his hand. "Pr...promise my ass...liar..." He said cold heartedly though his heart ached for so long. He heard a rustle behind him. He turned to see his father with a sadness in his eye. Lingering like russias sadness in his whole body. "Son...you've been here all day.." Russia blinked and looked up. He was just there during sunrise..how is it sunset? "Please son let's go home now.." Soviet offered his hand to his youngest boy. It was smacked away as the tall figure of the other Russian rose up. "Нет !" Russia said and walked away. Soviet watched his once flustered and love driven son walk away from him. Soviet looked at americas grave and sighed, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling halfheartedly. "You really gave up now...I doubt that stop making my son suffer you stupid bastard." Soviet knew america too well. America never just died. He always found a way back like a fucking cockroach. The snow crunched as the russians walked away from each other. Russia fell on his knees as his chest tightened more. He pulled out his wallet and looked at the young american who held flowers that him and russia picked. He hated how much he had loved him but never excepted it. The moment he decided to his heart was ripped out of his chest. He fell onto his side and wept at the memories of his once alive ame. "Rus...?" Russia jumped up and looked around. Everything was worrying he didnt understand. He heard his sweet but yet salty voice. He shook and waited for another answer. "Mer...america...?" He managed to whimper out as he looked for the other male. He saw a glimpse of a small figure in the tree lines. His eyes grew wide as he reached for him but got a icy cold feeling. Something telling him this isnt right and to walk away. He saw americas figure but it seemed off. He didnt have the joyous feeling in his eyes. Nor the skip of a beat he would feel even of he saw a picture of america. This was wrong, he turned away and began to walk. Suddenly feeling a sharp object being pushed into his back. "W-WHAT THE FUCK!?" Russia screamed out and grabbed what was behind him and slammed it into a tree. Russia was alot stronger then he looked and caused a dent into the trunk of the thick tree. Growling like a untamed creature. Well this beast was untamed now, the one that kept him in check was dead. "Ow FUCK!" The voice was now more salty and had a pinch of spice towards it. Not russias sweet Americas tone he enjoyed so much. He focused on the face and saw red and blue colors. Like americas but different.. He growled more and put his bear like hands on the liars neck. "Speak now or I'll rip your throat out!" Russia spat out like venom was leaving his tounge. "Kill m-me..and am-merica will never live again" The voice rang. Russia dropped the stranger and his eyes widened. "You...can help...?"

"Yes...I can"

After a while I came up with a plot. Now i can make more chapters ewe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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