Part 4

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"Shiroi is protecting you now?" Mirai pointed out as she could see the thin lining of blue chakra around Kakashi. "Good job, Shiroi."

"Why did you give Shiroi to me?" Kakashi quickly took the opportunity to ask her. With the Cleaver, he blocked her coming kunai as she replied.

"Nee, I was dying that time. The only person that always been in my mind when it comes to Shiroi, is you sensei."

"But then you died-"

"You shouldn't die. That's why I gave her to you," she continued, as she waved her hand over the river before strips of water emerged. "There has to be at least someone to protect Naruto when I gone. Minato-niichan told you the same thing before, right?" she stated with a small smile.

Suddenly the strips of water combined and turned into a dragon. "Uh oh. Sensei, a wall! Use Doton!" she told him immediately. Quickly, Kakashi weaved hand seals and put his hands down onto the ground.

A thick wall suddenly emerged from the ground, protecting himself from the raging water. "Kakashi-sensei! Don't use too much chakra! You'll be tired!" she warned.

"Well, it's not like that you can control yourself from attacking me while I'm waiting for the Sealing Team to come," Kakashi chuckled as he tried to dodge her kicks.

"But, you'll be tired- left!" Quickly, he put up his arms on his left side to block her kick, before she jumped away from him. "Just let Seiichi to defeat me."

"What do you mean?"

"Nee, it's obvious I'm telling you that I'm just one of my clones," she stated, shaking her head at him.


"I'm only using Suiton and Doton. Don't you realize it?" Mirai chuckled before her hands automatically weaved seals. A thick wall emerged from the ground before she pushed it towards Kakashi.

But then she could only chuckle with his lightning counterattack on hers. "Sensei! When did you copy that?! That's my Dragon Thunder!"

"Last time when you dashed towards Shoichi with it," he shrugged when she crossed her arms over her chest with squinted eyes on him. "What? My Sharingan was uncovered all that time."

Sighing, she shook her head before putting up her arms, standing in fighting stance. "To fill our time, let's spar, sensei. It's been a while since we had our last fight."

"Aren't we already sparring right now?" Kakashi boringly asked as he facepalmed, sweat-dropped. Mirai could only just giggle at his reaction before she spoke.

"Taijutsu only, nee!"


"Urgh!" Blood started to drip off of Seiichi's mouth as he weakly stood up. He wiped it off with his sleeve as he glanced up at Mirai, who was looking down at her hands.

"I have Katon and Fuuton with me. It's your weakness, Seiichi-kun. I'm sorry, I can't stop myself," she said, trembling as she stepped away from Seiichi.

"It's... okay. It's not your fault," he smirked, giving her a smile. As he slid his right foot behind the other, Mirai automatically put up a hand into ram seal, instantly knowing the affinity she was going to use.

"Use your Doton, Seiichi-kun!" she yelled. "Earth cancels out Fire, remember?"

"Ah, yes I do," he said, instantly weaving a series of hand seals, just before spiraling flames came out from her mouth. "Doton: Mud Wave!"

Just in time, he managed to cancel out her attack on him and had disrupted her focus. Taking this as his only chance, he immediately dashed towards her and tried to land a kick on her.

"Have to be faster than that," she said as she able to block his kick with her arm, before pushing him backward with full force on his chest by her palms.

Once again, Seiichi was sent backwards with more blood dripping off his mouth. Still, with all his energy, he stood up even with trembling knees. Mirai could only just gasp with what she had done to him, even though she tried to stop herself from walking towards him.

"Seiichi-san!" Sakura shrieked as she approached him immediately, but Seiichi quickly held up his shaking hand in front of her, swiftly stopping her.

"No! Just protect the base! Let me take care of her," he commanded, looking down at his bloody sleeve.

"You can't die, Seiichi-kun," Mirai suddenly said, still walking towards him slowly. Seiichi looked up at her, letting out a sigh as he spoke.

"I know. There's someone who's waiting for me to come back." At the moment he said that, Mirai's pace stopped. Her sudden stop had sent shock throughout his body. Her face now showing a change of expression. "Mirai?"

"Let's just finish this. I'm tired," Mirai suddenly said, with coldness in her voice. Seiichi was very surprised with it, same goes to Sakura and Shizune. "Be serious now. Come to me with the intention to kill," she continued, pulling out her kunai as she stared at him with a cold glare. The kunai that she had been holding onto was suddenly covered in wind chakra.

"Oh. So that's it," Seiichi whispered to himself, also pulling out his kunai as he began. "Let's head on. We'll see who's get who first." He brought up the kunai in front of his eyes as he smirked. "Just like that time."

For a moment, both of them stayed like that before Mirai finally made a dash towards him. "Do what you want spectacle guy, but I'm taking Namikaze Mirai-chan back to eternal rest!"

As soon as he said that, Seiichi began to dash towards her too, going head-to-head, until he dropped his kunai to the ground. But still he continued to dash towards her, unarmed this time.

"No. Seiichi-kun, dodge!" Mirai suddenly shouted, panicking as she unable to stop herself and seeing Seiichi running towards her without any weapons. "What are you doing?! Dodge!"

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