How it Started

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My first story on here so here goes!

I've sure come a long way, Rae said to herself as she looked around her brand new antique shop, it took her and her business partner 5 years to pull this off. Finding some of the worlds most exclusive antiques, making them interesting, then putting them right in the middle of the Royal Court, which no one without Royal blood could do. Lucky for her, Sam was a Lord, and her best friend, he was also gay, but no one knew but her and his other best friend who she didn't know, Rea frowned at the thought, "why was he keeping the other friend a secret"?

Sam was responsible for finding and refurbishing old valuables, then it was up to Rae, to sell to the highest bidder, that was until Prince Ethan Cho-Woo of Shang-Chi Island came into the shop.

Rae was doing inventory when the entry door charms sounded. "Who could that be, we'er not  open yet" she thought.

"Hold your horses already, I'm coming" she said as she rushed to the front of the store.

She was greeted by the most beautiful man she had ever seen and he was standing in her shop.

"Hi" was all he said as he stared at her for what seemed like forever, she couldn't place his face. Somehow though, she knew he had to be some kind of celebrity, by the way people were gathering and plastered to her store windows.
"What the hell" Rae said as she went to pull the blinds down blocking everyone outsides view and feeling a little embarrassed for the stranger.

"Hello, what brings you to Royal Antiques"? I asked

He looked her over as if he knew her and smiled the biggest smile, with dimples deep enough to make any woman breathless.

"I need you Rae" he said

"What?" how does he know my name" she thinks.
This had her so rattled that She almost knocked over one of her most expensive items.

"Holy shit, are you okay"? He asked, as he rushed over to her.

"Yes," I'm sorry, what do you mean ''You need me?" I asked.

''Well, my dear, sweet, beautiful, Rae, you have no idea how much I need you, but we'll save that conversation for another time, I have to be going, I gave Sam my card, so if you have any clue as to where the plate is, I need to know as soon as possible.
''I'm sorry, what plate?" she asked feeling like her world was spinning faster then she was.
''Sam has all the details for you, It was nice to see you again Rae."

Now that really got her attention,

"WAIT, how do you know my name, and what's yours''? She asked looking a bit lost for words.

Ethan turns around to her and smirks,
"you'll learn soon enough, my love, see u soon.''

Authors Notes: Please vote & I would love to hear your feedback.

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