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Page by page,

I flip them over..

Frozen in time,

And not getting older.

Word by word,

I trace the ink..

Drowning into a world,

As my surroundings shrink.

I grab onto the book and live a life,

See the earth through different eyes.

Horror, fantasy,

Romance, mystery,

Thriller and drama

Make a beautiful treasury.

My mind steals,

And it paints the picture..

An icon it reveals,

From my own mixture.

I cry and smile,

As I read through the lines.

I'm in another's mind,

And have changed my sight..

My heart pumps fast,

As I read faster,

Excited for the blast,

Of what is to happen.

It's an addiction..

A wide imagination,

With no prediction,

Or precaution.

The rush of adrenaline,

In my own head..

Followed by redemption,

As I reach the end.

Its a thirst that I will quell

Everyday and every night,

Stories I will tell

That will reach my delight.

Its hard to understand,

For those who don't read,

They won't be able to expand,

Or create their own mental field.

~From the Heart

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