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Little one..

Do you know I love you?

Do you know I miss you?

I want you to know..

I can never forget you.

Your ghost haunts the corners of my mind.

Wherever I glance I see you there.

I can't forget you, and I won't even try.

Because your love is what kept me alive.

I'm losing everything.

And now I lost you.

It slit my heart open..

What more is there to lose?

My hands are cold, without your touch.

My heart is void, needing your love.

You taught me what it's like to care.

And I never wanted to care for anyone after you..

They don't understand any of my despair.

Because it's nothing like I ever knew.

I miss you, little one,

So much it hurts.

How do I stop the tears

When I look at your pictures?

I hope you're happy

even if I'm not there

you changed my world

you made it feel okay

it felt like a dream

before you went away.

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