Chapter Eight

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Amy had left early right after the kiss, and she didn't go back to work the next day. She was too caught up in her feelings to looked at Seth. She knew she had to go back...she was planning on it. In fact she had on her navy blue blazer with her white skin tight dress and her navy blue heals, she just couldn't get herself out of her bed. She sighed. Why had she left! Its not like she didn't like this kiss, oh boy did she enjoy his lips on hers. Amy anything but hated kissing Seth something just She sighed. Maybe, she was being stupid. It was clear to her that Seth still had lingering feelings for her, or else why would he kiss her, and Amy knew she had still had feelings for him. She sighed. "God, Amy if you sigh one more time I swear I will kill myself." Amy looked across her room to see Aiden taking her laptop from out of her closet. "When did you get in here? And why do you have my computer? " Amy asked walking over to him. "You really need to find a better place to hide your things, and I think we both know why I have your computer." She scowled at her roommate. "Don't look at me like that, and what are you wearing?! I think thats the worst outfit you put together since that blind date you went on. Its no wonder the man never called you again." Aiden shook his head in mocked disappointment. "Shouldn't you be at work? Its 8:20." Amy shifted on her feet, and Aiden immediately knew something was up. "What happened?"

"Seth and I kissed." She whispered and Aiden wasn't the least bit surprised. "It was bound to happen." He shrugged. "So, is that why you didn't go to work yesterday and pondering doing the same thing today?" Amy sighed as she went to sit at the edge of the bed. "You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are a grown woman, Amy. Not some love sick hormonal teenager." She would believe in Aiden's words...if she wasn't feeling like a love sick hormonal teenager. But he was right. She did need to stop sitting here feeling sorry for herself. She was a grown woman, and Seth was a grown man. She was sure they would be able to figure something out like normal adults. She stood up." You going?" She nodded her head as she grabbed her purse and Aiden stopped her. "Not in that you're not."

Amy stood infront of the elevator her hands clutching her purse that hung from her shoulders. She had worn a black and midnight blue laced dress and a matching blue heels with it. She had decided she would have to face Seth. Like an adult. And they would have to deal with their problems. Like adults. When the elevator opened Amy was surprised to see the brown hair beauty who advised her to run up the steps on her first day, smiling at her. "What a pleasant surprise." Amy smiled as she stepped into the elevator. "How are you?" Amy asked as the doors closed. "I'm good. Nice to see you still have your job." Amy smiled. And the man knitted his brows as he studied her face features. "What is it?" He shook his head. "For a second there you look like someone I used to know." Amy didn't say anything.  She didn't know what to say. The man opened his mouth to speak when the elevator doors opened. "Well, this is my stop." Amy walked off of the elevator as she made her way to her "office". Before she could get there a small petite woman walked up to her. "Amy Renolds?" She nodded. "Mr. Greene would like to see you in his office right away." Amy hesitated for a moment before walking towards her boss's office. She knocked on the door before she heard a muffled "come in." And she opened the door. Seth looked up from his work at Amy who stood there awkwardly infront of the closed door. "Ms. Renolds, nice to see you decided to show up to work today." Amy noticed that he kept all formalities between them. "I'm sorry-" Seth cut Amy off. "Instead of always being sorry, Ms. Renolds, I would appreciate it if you took this job seriously. You cannot be absent from work without consulting me, nor can you just take a personal vacation like that. It was completely unprofessional." Yeah, and so was that fact that you had me on top of your desk shoving your toung down my throat. Amy refrain from saying anything. "Do you know how many people would've killed for this job?"


"Good then you know how easy it is for me to replace you. So do yourself a favor Ms. Renolds, and focus on your job, or I will not hesitate to fire you on spot." Amy flinched back at his harsh tone clearing her throat. "You can go now." Amy made no move to stay as she scrambled out of his office holding her head down afraid that he would see her watering eyes. Never had Seth taked to her like he did.

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