No one expected what would happen next...

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Sanem then pulled out her long necklace showing the engagement ring she has held onto. Forever near her heart and never letting go. She showed it to him with tears in his eyes.

Can: Sanem, my Sanem. Will you take me for your husband? Be the father of your children? Give me the greatest honor my life will ever know and be by your side? 


Sanem: Can! Are you sure? I mean-

Can: You are the only thing I have ever been sure of in my life. Please tell me your answer.

Sanem: Yes! Yes! Yes!

He picked her up spinning her around like the happiest man in the world he felt he was. Once he put her back on the ground he kissed her. It was gentle at first and got hot and heavy fast. Surprising Sanem was the one to break the kiss.

Sanem: Can, what am I going to tell my parents?

Can: We will tell them the good news together.

Sanem: Can they are not your fans. They were really disappointed with how everything went down.

Can: Sanem, I will be honest with them and try to work my back into theirs hearts. We will support each other in this. I never want to be parted from you and I love your parents too. Given time their will understand or at least tolerate me. I understand though you wanting their approval before we get married.

Sanem: Actually now that things have changed with my financial status and where I'm living, I don't need it.

Can: What do you mean?

Sanem: This year made me independent. Of course I would like their blessing and support but I know this is meant to be. You are my future and you are my family. They will have to adjust.

Can: When would you like to tell them?

Sanem: When do you want to tell them?

Can: How about today?

Sanem: Today? Are you sure?

Can: Enough of that. I'm sure of everything when I'm with you my love. Let us finally start the next chapter of our lives.

With that Can and Sanem got into the car and made their way toward Nihat and Mevkibe's home. No one expected what would happen next...


The crash was frightening. Sanem was paralyzed with fear when Can wasn't waking up. She sat silently crying next to him on the way to the hospital and was frozen just waiting to hear he was okay. Waiting to hear anything really. 2 days later he finally woke up. Aziz, Emre, and Sanem were by his side when the doctor was checking his memory.

Her heart broke again when he couldn't remember her. The last thing he remembered was that he was on his way to see his father and brother before the 40th Anniversary Party of Fikr Harika. There was fate again putting an obstacle between Sanem and Can. 

The following weeks she tried everything to help his memory. Everyone tried. They rented the office building where the agency was and tried to bring back everything to how it was. Sanem wore her old clothes and brought him tea. She took him to the rocks and tried to tell him about their story. Sanem had made it very clear to everyone that they were not to push too hard. If this was just like the old Can, he could leave at any moment because he didn't feel attached to Istanbul. It was a risk she wasn't willing to take. Her Can would come back to her. It would take time but she would wait forever for him. 

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