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There's no better way to start the school year than by auditioning for the school play- Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

It seems almost everyone in the junior class is auditioning. It's their last big play before they're busy with college applications, after all. The drama kids are now being joined by the others that waited until the last possible minute to get their performing arts credit.

To everyone's surprise, Spencer Reid is auditioning. Drama is the best choice when it comes to getting performing arts credits; art class is boring, and music requires the learning of a whole new language. Why bother with all of that when drama is open for anyone?

Emily has decided to sign up for tech again. Acting intrigued her, but Rossi promises she would have the most important job as the stage manager. She took that opportunity in a heart beat.

Emily and Rossi are watching kids with too much confidence terribly act out Romeo and Juliet scenes. It's really more of a tragedy than the play itself.

Emily cringes as Spencer steps on stage. He squints at the stage lights, but Emily can't be more surprised to see him delivers his lines clearly. "He's actually not terrible," Emily mumbles. Rossi nods.

"Auditions make me question why I came back to this job," Rossi says. Emily laughs. He isn't wrong; most auditions are absolute garbage. Kids who think they can act end up forgetting their lines, and kids who know how to act get overconfident.

Emily's suddenly grateful that she kept her role as a technician. When Spencer is done with his audition, he grabs his backpack off of the floor and quickly leaves the theatre. For the first time, he actually has someone waiting for him.


Penelope is at home, FaceTiming Derek Morgan. He may be in California, but she's managed to talk to him every day since he moved.

They already have plans to hang out during winter break. It's almost as if nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed, but at the same time, everything has changed. Derek is across the country. Emily and Aaron are spending more time with each other and less time with the rest of their friends. Penelope is becoming more serious. JJ is spending her free time looking into colleges, and Spencer has a mysterious secret girlfriend that he refuses to talk about.

It's funny how so much can change over the course of a year.


Rossi is looking through his notes, trying to decide who to cast as who when he hears a knock on the door. "Come in!" he shouts.

None other than Cat Adams enters the classroom. She proudly strides over to his desk and takes a seat next to him. "So," she shamelessly starts. "I want Juliet."

"Pardon me?" Rossi asks. "You didn't even audition."

"Would this change your mind?" Cat asks. She hands him a fifty dollar bill, and Rossi sighs.

"Fine. You get Juliet."

Cat smiles with delight. She didn't audition, but she did watch- and she knows exactly who's getting Romeo.

A/N: this is a lil short I'm sorry,, but new cover for the new part :)

Let me know what you think so far in the comments <3

Word count: 529

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