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The next day's morning comes and goes quickly and uneventfully. JJ and Spencer are sitting down at their usual lunch table in the far back of the cafeteria, talking about anything and everything. Spencer now knew how mentally and physically painful it was to put in contacts, but he actually started liking the way he looked without his glasses.

A girl about Spencer's height with brown hair and eyes to match skips over to their table, a bundle of off-white envelopes in her hands. "Hi!" she says, smiling at Spencer in particular.

"Cat?" JJ asks. Both JJ and Spencer knew her, but neither had really spoken to her. She's a cheerleader with a family that's known to be fairly wealthy. Cat Adams is a completely different breed of high-schooler.

"You're both invited to my party," she says, and Spencer almost does a spit-take. He's never been to a party before that was anything more than him, JJ, and her boyfriend watching a movie; no one has ever invited him to one.

"..Why?" JJ asks. Cat cheerfully passes two envelopes to JJ and Spencer, their names scrawled in glittery pink ink on each envelope, respectively.

"I want to see some new faces. I'm getting bored of all of my friends."

Of course you are, Spencer thinks to himself. Cat scurries off to hand out her invitations like candy, leaving Spencer and JJ to marvel at what just happened.

"Did we just get invited to a party?" JJ asks.

"I didn't believe they actually happened, if I'm being honest," Spencer admits. He tears open the envelope and stares at the glittery mess of a birthday invitation. It reads, "Cat Adams: Sweet Seventeen" in large bold letters at the top of it. Sweet seventeen isn't even something that's said, but Cat is just so full of herself that everything has to be extravagant.

The rest of the invitation is the typical stuff; her address, the date and time (that following Saturday), and then a small note at the bottom saying her parents would be gone.


"Do you want to go?" Spencer asks. In all honesty, he doesn't really want to. A party with drinking and possibly drugs doesn't sound like a fantastic place for a socially-awkward introvert.

"You bet your ass I do." Spencer can already feel the stress, but forces a smile. JJ laughs. "This is once in a lifetime thing for us, Spence. We have to go."

"Sounds like fun," Spencer lies.

Looking around, almost everyone but the complete outcasts has an envelope in their hands. Aaron is trying to work up the nerve to ask Haley to go with him.

"Hey!" Emily says, sliding into the seat next to JJ. "Did you guys get invited to Cat's party?"

"Did you?" Spencer asks. He's never talked to Emily until now, but he already knew it was her.

"Surprisingly. Maybe she just wants as many people there as possible."

"That would explain a lot," Spencer jokes.

Hearing ruckus, the three turn around to see an ecstatic Haley Brooks. "Of course I'll date you, silly!" she yells. Aaron Hotchner, a guy that was known for how sullen he looked, smiled so big Spencer thought he might break. They hugged, and a few people awkwardly clapped.

These situations aren't always as perfect as they seem in movies. Emily snickers knowing that their relationship most likely wouldn't last very long.

"Hey Babygirl," Derek says. He slyly wraps his arm around Penelope and she giggles. "I better see you this Saturday."

Anyone who doesn't know better would think Penelope and Derek are dating, but Penelope is in a relationship with Kevin, another kid in their AP Computer Science class.

"Oh, Chocolate Thunder Morgan, you definitely will."

A/N: this book is doing a lot better than I thought it would! Thank you all! Leave a vote/comment if you'd like x

Word count: 653

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