Chapter 1, Part 1 The beginning

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I'm Rick, I'm 14 years old and I'm about to tell you a story. This story is true and it happened to me. Sometimes I wonder if it actually happened or if it was just one big nightmare. I'm writing this so If I don't come back one of these days, you will have a sense of my life . Anyways here is my story.

It all started 3 years ago...

He was my best friend until it happened. We were in the woods talking, playing, laughing, just having fun. When Jim, turned around and said,

"Hey, Rick I was just thinking that maybe we could go through these woods, and see if we can get to my place." At first, I was like, I'm down, and 100% ready to go, but then my logic skills kicked in. I mean think about it, two 11 year old boys, in the woods, with no adults, and we have no idea how deep these woods are. "Jim I don't think this is such a hot idea. I mean think of all the things that could go wrong."

"All the things that could go wrong? Dude legit the only thing that could go wrong is we get lost and duh! GPS! "

"You can do what you want but I am not going!" I yell. I couldn't believe I just said that. I opened my mouth to apologize but then I saw Jim's reaction. His eyes teared up and he said

"If that's what you want." Then he walked deep into the woods. I didn't know what to say, so I went home sure that we would figure it out tomorrow. But Jim didn't come back the next day, or the next, or the one after that. And after 3 months, I decided to do something.

3 months later...

I have to go find Jim. I think that everyone has given up on him. The missing posters are falling off the poles and no one cares enough to put new ones up. The news used to mention him every day but now, it's like he never existed. Even his parents seem to have forgotten him, at the mention of his name they'd just stare as if they never heard it before. I have packed my backpack for my journey into the woods. I have a bag of Doritos, a map Jim and I drew of the woods, a bottle of water, a flashlight, and a sweatshirt. Let's do this. I haven't been in these woods since Jim disappeared. I pulled out the map. Let's see, according to this I should be coming close to the old climbing tree. We used to climb it when we were 9 or so.

5 minutes later...

"Walking through the woods searching for my friend, hoping that my life doesn't end." I sing as I walk along. "WHAT THE?!" carved in the climbing tree is, J I M.

"Let's just pretend that wasn't there." I say, walking forward. I pull the map out again, "Now I am headed for the old treehouse." I put the map away. I see a piece of paper nailed to a tree. "What's that doing there?" I say walking over to it. I rip it off and quickly scan the paper. As I read it, I feel the color drain from my face. I bolted out of the woods, the paper said, I tried to warn you Rick.

2 days later...

I was cleaning the basement when, I saw him. He was staring in my window. He had black timberland boots, black shorts, a black hoodie, and a black baseball cap. He is not doing anything, just standing there staring at me. That's not even the creepiest thing about him, it's the fact that he doesn't have a pupil in his left eye. Oh no, he's walking towards my house. I ran upstairs to my laptop. Creepy kid with no pupil in his left eye. I hit search. I got some random results, like cat memes, but then I saw an article. It read, A boy called Thomas Parks was found dead on Monday, April 17, 2015. He was killed by being pushed, jumping, or falling from his apartment window on the 12th floor. Thomas was often bullied in school because he had no pupil in his left eye. Those who bullied Thomas had been turning up missing. And when found, they had had their left eyes ripped or cut out. The survivors had said that Thomas had given them 50 days to give their eye. If they agreed, he would take it. If they declined he would kill them. Thomas has been known to wear a black baseball cap, a black hoodie, black shorts, and black tims, and has received the nickname the taking boy.

"That's him."

2 weeks later...

I did some research and found a way to try to protect myself from the taking boy. I had to bathe in holy water and say this chant, " Lord of darkness hear my cry, lord of darkness don't let me die, lord from under my love and trust is true, lord from under my dead soul belongs to you." I'm not so fond of that last part, but I'll deal with it when the time comes. I have a plan, it's not the best but it's relatively decent. I'm going to find the taking boy, ask what he wants from me, then get out alive. (hopefully)

2 hours later...

I'm going in. I have the same stuff as last time. Let's do this thing.

5 minutes later...

I see him, I'm going to walk up to him and ask what he wants.

"Hello Rick." He says.

"Who are you?" I facepalm. Wrong question!

"You know who I am."He taunted.

"W-what do you want from me?" I stutter.

"Your eye." he answered.

"But!" I started.

"No buts, i'll give you 50 days." He interrupted.

"Okay." I say.

"Remember 50 days." he repeats.

I run out of the woods. I only have 50 days.

One week later...

I'm going into the woods, for fun this time. To the climbing tree, for the memories. "WHAT!?" there is a kid curled up in a ball near the tree. "IT'S JIM!" I ran over to him and lift his head his left eye is ripped out, and he's unconscious. I pull out my phone and call 911. "Stay strong buddy." I say.

I need to rest after all that chaos. I need some time.

When I was 11Where stories live. Discover now