Chapter 1, part 4 Home sweet home

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  4 hours later...

It took us 4 hours, but we finally got back home, or at least to my home.

"Nice place, little bro." Luna says as we walk inside. I pull my box out again. I notice a number in the top left corner of the lid. It says 7. I assume that's how many wishes I have left.

"I wish Jim were alive and here right now!" I say with my eyes closed. When I opened them I see my best friend standing in front of me. I run up and hug him.

"Why is that girl wearing my old shorts?" he whispers in my ear. I explain who she is and what happened.

"That's just, wow." Jim says after hearing the whole story.

"Why does it happen to us of all people?" I ask. Honestly I want to know.

"We all have a crazy story to tell." Luna adds. I mean she's not wrong. I have the story with trying to find Jim, Jim has the story from when he was missing, Luna has her story about her parents and getting captured, and Alice has the story about her and her brother. Wait, we haven't even heard Alice's story yet.

"Alice tell us your backstory." I say to her. I wonder how this will go.

"Okay, when Luna was little, about 6, she met me. We actually became relatively close. My brother always wanted to hurt Luna for killing our dad, but I always convinced him otherwise. When we were 9, that's when I got run over. My brother took the opportunity to hurt Luna to his heart's content. He would give her daily beatings, make her do hard labor, stuff like that. All I could do was watch from the sidelines. They say ghosts had unfinished business in the world, I had to protect Luna. One day my brothers abusing went way too far. He hit Luna and she fell on her head. She got amnesia and forgot about me, and my death. Fortunately she remembered her parents and their sacrifice. So that's basically my story."

"Wow, I didn't remember any of that." Luna says. "Are you sure that all happened."

"100% positive." Alice responds. As we talk we all go into my room.

"Jim you can use the clothes you left here, Alice, Luna, you can use my t-shirts and shorts, and I will use what's left." I say pointing everything out.

"What are the sleeping conditions I may ask?" Luna questions.

"Oh, me in my room, Jim gets the couch, and you and Alice can sleep in the guest bedroom." I say.

"Hold up, excuse me. Me AND Alice?" Luna asks shaking me by my shoulders.

"That's the best I could come up with. There are 2 beds in there." I say.

"Oh okay. I thought..." Luna starts, turning more and more red.

"You thought what?" Jim says, mocking Luna. Luna turns and punches Jim in the stomach.

"I said nothing, got that?" Luna says. Holding her fist up.

"Yes ma'am." Jim says crawling away to the living room.

"Goodnight." I say. I hug Luna, then Alice, then I go see if Jim is okay, and last I go to bed. I can hear Luna and Alice talking in the guest room. It's going to be all good from now on.

11 hours later (7:00 AM)...

"Wake up." I hear. I open my eyes and Luna is standing above me holding a pancake.

"It's a pancake." I say, still getting used to the morning.

"Great observation genius. Now get up before Jim eats them all." she says walking away. I close my door and get dressed, then I drag myself into the kitchen. Jim is legit inhaling pancakes, Alice is making more pancakes, and Luna is staring at Jim.

When I was 11Where stories live. Discover now