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"Have you met with the other family member of mine, Mr. Dinh?" Soal Mirul dengan nada serius selepas beberapa minit berdiam diri memikirkan sesuatu.

"No I haven't..I didn't have their contact number or address. If you can give those information to me, I will contact them to explain this matter." Balas Mr. Dinh yang sedang duduk menyandar di sofanya dengan kaki kirinya diletakkan ke atas paha kanan.

"Good. They don't have to know, and you need not mention anything about this to them." Ujar Mirul.

"Why? Is there's something happening between you people that you decided not to tell them? They have the right to know, as they too have the same right as you, in regards to those monies." Mr. Dinh bertanyakan Mirul kerana pelik Mirul ingin merahsiakan perkara ini daripada ahli keluarganya sendiri.

"Don't worry about them Mr. Dinh. From now on, you are answerable only to me pertaining this case, not them. I will be the one who'll pay for your legal service that you've provided all these years." Balas Mirul dengan senyuman terukir di mukanya, cuba untuk meyakinkan Mr. Dinh untuk mengikut arahannya.

"And how are you going to pay me exactly? You are still studying and yet to have a proper job, do you even have the capacity to perform your promise?" Soal Mr. Dinh dengan sinis.

Mirul tersengih melihat gelagat Mr. Dinh yang seakan-akan memperkecilkannya. Dia tahu, pada saat ini, dia perlu membuat satu tawaran yang tidak mampu ditolak Mr. Dinh. Mirul tahu dia perlu mendapatkan Mr. Dinh untuk berdiri disisinya, dan bukan ahli keluarganya yang lain.

"That RM 130,000,000.00 that we're talking, you'll keep RM 30,000,000,00. Consider it the full and final payment for the legal services that you've provided. All I need you to do is to follow my instruction from now on.

Mr. Dinh terus tersenyum mendengar tawaran daripada Mirul seakan-akan berpuas hati dengan bahagian yang akan diperolehinya. 

"The way you negotiate, reminds me of your father. He was a ruthless businessman back in those days. Well, you are your father's son anyway. I like your offer, and I will do as per your instruction." 

"Good to hear that we're finally on the same page. Now, what you need to do is, keep that monies in Vietnam. Keep it in Fixed Deposit (FD) account, or any investment bank in your country for a while, until I give you further instruction, let it grow. I noticed that the US Dollar is increasing against Malaysian Ringgit, with the new government declaring that they are discontinuing the GST tax, Malaysia's economy now is only depending on oil with nothing to cushion it should oil price starts falling in the near future.  I'm pretty sure the world is on the verge of another oil crisis right now with US and Saudi relation with Iran and other gulf countries continues to deteriorate. It'll directly affect Malaysia's weak oil dependent economy and currency. When that happens, I can guarantee you that our monies will decrease in value against the USD substantially, perhaps, by two folds." Jelas perancangan Mirul kepada Mr. Dinh dengan pendek tapi padat.

"Where do you get all this information young man? I'm impressed. " Balas Mr. Dinh sehingga tidak mampu menahan dirinya daripada bertepuk tangan, terpegun dengan kepandaian Mirul. "I can open an estate account for your late father, or if you want, I can put it in an offshore bank like those in Labuan." Tambahnya lagi.

"I read stuff that people of my age are not interested in reading. Also,  I don't want the money to be transferred to Malaysia too for now, as I got some unfinished business here. Until then, you will be managing the monies from Vietnam Mr. Dinh." Balas Mirul dengan yakin, segala maklumat yang diketahui Mirul ini sebenarnya daripada arwah ayahnya juga  yang selalu bercerita di rumah semenjak dari Mirul sekolah menengah. Arwah ayahnya selalu memberikan penjelasan berkaitan politik Malaysia, politik dunia, industri minyak dan sebagainya yang boleh menjejaskan ekonomi Malaysia. Jika sebelum ini dia hanya mendengar sahaja penjelasan arwah ayahnya itu tanpa mengetahui apa kepetingannya, sekarang, dia mulai faham apa yang dimaksudkan oleh arwah ayahnya itu.

"That instruction requires a lot of effort to be executed perfectly. And effort, requires money in return Mirul." Balas Mr. Dinh secara perlahan dengan badannya sedikit depan, mendekatkan mukanya kepada Amirul.

"I know. For that...you'll get 50% shares of the total monies increased out of it. Is it a deal, Mr. Dinh?" Ungkap Mirul menghulurkan tangan kanannya kearah Mr. Dinh.

"Its good doing business with you Amirul. Those monies will be useful for my political career in the next few years." Kata Mr. Dinh dengan menyambut tangan Mirul, tanda setuju dengan tawaran yang diberikan.

"Just dont forget about me when you're at the top." Balas Mirul tersenyum lebar.

"Oh yes, one more thing Mr. Dinh. For this to work perfectly, I need some money. Consider it as a capital that you have to invest in order to gain something bigger." Ujar Mirul yang kini selesa membuat tawaran dengan Mr. Dinh.

"Sure Amirul. How much do you  need exactly?" Tanya Mr. Dinh tersenyum.

"For the start, a million ringgit." Ungkap Mirul.

"Easy. But I won't be transferring that money to you directly. Your central bank will definitely track its origin... you'll be in big trouble if caught." 

"So how do you propose we transfer the monies?" Soal Mirul.

"Probably through a company which, or property...or might be both. I'll figure it out and tell you soon." Balas Mr. Dinh tersengih. Mirul yang juga memahami bagaimana undang-undang di Malaysia ini berfungsi terus tersengih.

"How long do you think it'll take?" Tanya Mirul.

"I can't really tell, probably a few months. But for now, take this card. I rarely use it anyway. I'll bank in some money to you through it monthly." Balas Mr. Dinh.

Kepala Mirul hanya terangguk faham menerima kad debit tersebut. "Its okay, you take your time Mr. Dinh, if you need help to setup the company, I'm here to assist." 

"Sure thing Amirul. we'll contact each other." Jawab orang vietnam tersebut sebelum naik ke bilik hotelnya. 

Pertemuan empat mata diantara Mirul dan Mr. Dinh berjalan lancar dengan kedua-dua mereka bersetuju dan bersepakat untuk merahsiakan duit arwah ayahnya itu daripada ahli keluarga Mirul yang lain. Mr. Dinh juga menasihati Mirul untuk tidak menhubungi secara terus dan hanya berjumpa sahaja sekiranya ingin memberikan arahan, yang mana mereka berdua berjaya mendapatkan maklumat alamat rumah serta pejabat masing-masing untuk pertemuan pada masa akan datang.

Jam berdetik menunjukkan pukul 11. 49 malam, Mirul baru sahaja sampai di rumah sewanya, dia terus menghempaskan dirinya ke atas katil. Kerana harinya yang sedikit panjang, dia berasa penat dan lesu, namun begitu, hatinya berpuas hati dengan apa yang terjadi sebentar tadi. Bagaikan emas datang bergolek kepadanya, Mirul hanya tersengih seorang diri di dalam biliknya. Pesanan-pesanan ringkas daripada Sue yang masuk dari telefon bimbitnya tidak dilayannya, seakan-akan dirinya berada di dalam dunia sendiri. 


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