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"Why come to us. When you could've been a villain on your own." He said sternly, i didn't want to lie but then again i didn't want to fully tell him i saw you in my dreams. "Cause the league has you in it." I regretted what i said, i didn't mean for it to come out like that. He slightly growled, and turned away.  That growl made my skin crawl, it wasn't pleasant.

I didn't know if i had flustered him or made him uncomfortable, but he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.ni had a few questions of my own, but i knew shigaraki wouldn't talk to me. I was going to talk to kurogiri but as soon as inwas about to, he said he had business to attend to. I was left alone with questions, and the light blue haired villain

I glanced over at him every now and then, and every time he seemed to get more and more frustrated with his game. I never really played video games, nor have i enjoyed pressing buttons. But his reaction made him look really into the game, and he got more determined everytime to win... Whatever he was trying to win..

He got mad at one point, as i watched him take a glass and turn it to dust. His quirk was pretty perfect for a villain as well, but he could actually use it whenever. He looked at me, still looking mad. "What." He said, i could barely tell his facial expression due to the hand in face. But his body language and tone of voice sounded upset.

"Nothing.." I said quietly, not wanted to bug him or set him off. I looked away, and folded my arms and set it on the table. He mumbled to himself before walking to a different room, leaving his hand held device behind. Curiosity took me over and i got up, and walked over to the device. It was dirty, and hard to see the screen. My OCD kicked in.

I remembered kurogiri had a cloth behind the bar, so i walker around and looked for the cloth "aha.." I said when i found it. I used the sink and made the cloth damp, so it wouldn't ruin the device but it would clean it. I quickly walks out from behind the bar and in front of his game, i picked it up and started to scurb all around the screen.

Luckily it worked and didn't just smudge the dirt, i wondered why kurogiri didn't do this sooner. I started to wipe around the screen when i felt a tight 4 fingered grip on my wrist, i slowly turned around to see shigaraki "what. Are. You. Doing!" He snapped, i looked away, trying to find the right words to say.

He hovered his fifth finger above my wrist, threatening me. I finally spoke, quickly "im sorry i just was curious and when i went to go look it was dirty and-" i got cut off by him pushed me away and him grabbing the device, i was a little upset i didn't even get a thank you. I looked at him, and crossed my arms. He looked at me, and opened his mouth to say something.

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