Chapter 1:

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A/N: Hey People, first I would like to thank you all for reading my story and second pleaze vote if you like it. The chapters are going to be a little long, but i want it to feel like a real story.


"Ouch!" I cry startled as the curler touches my scalp. The pain quickly subsides and I smile. I look really good. My long blonde hair is finally done being curled. My new black Keith Urban t-shirt fits perfectly and my cut off shorts look great on my long tanned muscular legs, I am glad I got into shape this summer with swimming. I smile at my reflexion as I carefully apply my mascara, I am careful to not put too much on so that it looks like I don't have only 5 eyelashes like some girls at my school. When I finally apply the right amount to bring out my grey-blue eyes, I grab my dark red lip gloss and swipe it on. I pose one last time in front of the mirror. I grab my phone off of the charger and run downstairs taking them two at a time almost face-planting once. I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and I run into the kitchen skidding to a stop in my black socks. I grab a bag of pop tarts and head to our front door to grab my new black Converse all-stars.

My mom slowly makes her way down the stairs. Her shoulder length mocha brown hair is straightened and for the first time in forever she is wearing shorts. She looks literally glows with paleness, but I don't tell her this she is already very self conscious about her body usually. I don't understand why though, she is really skinny and muscular for someone who works out like once a year, she just needs to tan. My mom works as a website designer. She loves her job and works hard at it usually making it impossible to get her out of the office. She makes enough to get us by with a couple indulgences such as concerts like the one we are going to today.

She smiles and says, "You look good today, Julie."

I return the smile and say, "You do too especially in those shorts." I wink as I say the last part.

She looks down at her legs blushing. My mom and I have a very close mother-daughter relationship. I laugh and open up my bag of poptarts. I quickly start shoving pieces in my mouth. I finish the first one in record time and then quickly eat the second one.

My mom looks at me like I'm crazy before saying, "Ready to go?"

I almost scream, "YES!!!"

My mom laughs and we walk out the front door and get into our Camero. I jump into the red car and run my hands across the new black leather upholstery. I smile we had just got the 68' Camero for my upcoming birthday. It was an early birthday gift, my mom probably would have made it a surprise but my mom had to buy it that day or someone else was going to buy it. We both had fallen in love with it and so we bought it.

I turned on the radio smiling at the retro knobs. I quickly maneuvered through the channels finding a local country station. Florida Georgia Line's song "Cruise" was ending and a new familiar song came on. I squealed with delight when I recognized it as Keith Urban's newest released song "Somewhere in My Car". My mom rolled her eyes at me but started humming along. I start singing, "I'm driving home tonight, catching all red lights, that's alright 'cause I, don't want to be alone, there's nobody waitin' there, cold and empty bed..." I quickly get lost in the music.

We are at the amphitheater where Keith will be performing, and I get out of the car the humid air makes me uncomfortable. I want to jump into the car and turn the A/C up high. We pass a group of people who are obviously drunk. They are laughing and talking loud. They seem to be having lots of fun. Their happiness radiates off of them and makes me smile and want to laugh. We finally reach the entrance and go in.

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